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COVID Facts That Every Person Should Know (But Most Don't) - Canadian Version

Updated January 8, 2020
DISCLAIMER: I wear my mask, wash my hands and try not to touch my face. I limit my social interactions. I follow most rules, even though many don't make sense. This is NOT a “COVID hoax” or “anti-vaxxer” post.
I agreed with lockdown measures that were taken in March 2020, when a lot was unknown. We did not have full knowledge of whom the virus affected and we did not have better treatment measures.
But science and data over the last 10 months has clearly shown that our approach needs to change.
“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much” Walter Lippmann, 2-time Pulitzer Prize winner
SO WHO IS COVID DEADLY FOR? Data from government public health websites.
Out of 16435 COVID related deaths in Canada, 89.2% are in the 70+ age group.
Percentage of COVID deaths in the 0-49 age group: 1.1% (this is a total of 192 COVID related deaths in Canada)
NOTE: It is important to make the distinction that just because someone dies WITH COVID does not mean that they died BECAUSE of COVID. COVID deaths may be inflated due to this distinction. False positive cases may further inflate this number (more on this later).
70.3% of all COVID related deaths in Canada have been in long term care homes
Average age of COVID-related death in Alberta: 82 years old.
Out of 1241 COVID related deaths in Alberta, 97.1% have had 1 or more co-morbidities.
Here is the breakdown: * 3 or more comorbidities: 75.0% * 2 comorbidities: 14.4% * 1 comorbidity: 7.7% * No comorbidity: 2.9% (highly likely to be in the older age demographic)
NOTE: Comorbidities included are: Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Cancer, Dementia, Stroke, Liver Cirrhosis, Cardiovascular diseases (including IHD and Congestive heart failure), Chronic Kidney disease, and Immuno-deficiency.
STATSCAN REPORT: COVID 19 DEATH COMORBIDITIES IN CANADA (from the first wave, until July 31, 2020) ... 87-eng.htm
We must acknowledge that these stats are all people and each number represents a human loss. We are all empathetic to that.
Now, the data clearly states the obvious: 1. A LARGE majority of COVID related deaths have and are still occurring in long term care homes. 2. COVID is a deadly threat to persons with co-morbidities and/or persons above the age of 70. It is not a LONE killer by itself. Note that any disease is dangerous to this population set, not just COVID. 3. For a healthy person below the age of 70, there is greater than 99% chance of COVID recovery. This is no worse than the flu.
This is all good news, because we know who COVID affects and who we desperately need to protect. We also have other good news…
Vitamin D acts a key function for strengthening our immune system and is primarily acquired through sunlight exposure. There is a strong correlation that a Vitamin D deficiency will likely result in a serious case of a COVID infection, lowering hospitalizations, deaths and long-term COVID effects.
Vitamin D3 was shown to be deficient in 80% of hospitalized COVID patients in Spain [2].
The most comprehensive scientific study of Vitamin D deficiency in correlation to COVID patients was conducted in India over a span of 6 weeks [3]. Out of 154 patients, 63 severe cases needed ICU. Out of these, 61 patients (97%) had a Vitamin D deficiency. Overall, India has shown to have a lower strain of COVID, possibly because Vitamin D deficiency hits a much lower percentage of the population (due to more sunlight).
The UK government has already promoted Vitamin D to the entire population and is giving out free vitamin D handouts to persons most at risk for COVID [4].
4000 IU daily is recommended to create a strong immune response to COVID [5].
Doctors have improved the mortality rates of severe COVID cases, using better ICU procedures. A person hospitalized in March 2020 was 3 times more likely to die than someone hospitalized in August 2020 [6].
At least 17% of the population is estimated to be asymptomatic to COVID [7]. Many are immune to the danger of COVID.
The converse argument, of course, is the possible asymptomatic spread of infection which is difficult to detect. However, if an asymptomatic person does not interact with the vulnerable portion of the population, then what difference does it make?
Instead, why not focus on controlling spread in the SMALLER vulnerable demographic where it really matters?
PCR tests, in their current form, are faulty and ineffective [9]. In Dec 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed what was known for months; that high cycle threshold PCR tests result in a high amount of false positives and that testing labs around the world need to reduce their threshold values [10]. The US FDA has also warned of the risk of false positives from PCR tests [8].
It is important for everyone to understand what a Polymerase Chain Reaction test does. A PCR test is looking for RNA, which is a small particle of any cell (just like DNA). In this case, we are looking for the coronavirus RNA.
The amount of RNA in a saliva/nasal swab is very small, so PCR tests amplify the sample to help detect it. Each cycle doubles the material. One becomes two. In the next cycle, two is amplified to four, and so on. In Canada, and most of the world, specimens are amplified to a minimum value of at least 35 cycle thresholds (Ct). That creates over 17 billion copies of the material, enough to be able to detect any viral particle.
However, a Canadian National Microbiology study stated that specimens with Ct values greater than 24 were found to be viral culture negative [11]. What does this mean?
That if RNA is found at a Ct value of 35, the virus cannot be cultured. It cannot be grown. Because it is DEAD. The RNA is simply a remnant of a past COVID infection. A FALSE POSITIVE CASE. This case does not reflect an active infection nor is it contagious. That person was infected weeks or months ago.
This has been known irrefutable scientific fact for months: PCR tests are not reliable unless we REDUCE Ct values. Why are we creating worldwide mitigation policies based on this?
Lastly, and most importantly, using number of cases for policy making does not reflect the bigger picture. Someone with little or no symptoms of illness is NOT a case.
Instead, our main concern should this: How many of those cases are getting HOSPITALIZED and who is DYING?
Long term effects of COVID; persistent symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, respiratory, brain and heart issues can continue for weeks and months for some COVID cases. While there is still more research to be done, here is what we know so far.
King’s College London and the UK National Health Service have compiled the largest data set on this topic, using information from 4182 confirmed COVID cases [12]. Here was the breakdown of how many experienced long COVID, by duration of symptoms. The study also states that these numbers were comparable to Sweden and USA.
The susceptibility to experience long COVID is increased by the following factors, but can occur in low proportions in healthy individuals as well:
Long COVID is a definitely a concern, but it does not warrant ignoring the negative long-term health effects of a lockdown.
If you believe that a lockdown puts life and health ahead of the economy, you have been gravely misled. Lockdowns kill and destroy more lives than save lives.
The World Health Organization themselves do not advocate for lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus [13].
The first and very comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of a lockdown in Canada was performed by Dr. Ari Jaffe, an infectious disease expert, who initially supported lockdowns but is now a strong opponent. His study concluded that the lockdowns in Canada will result in 10 statistical lives lost for every 1 COVID life saved [14].
Reasons for these lockdown deaths is due to restricted medical care such as
Moreover, the following repercussions of a lockdown are also not taken into account. All of these have a negative impact on life expectancy and illness.
The Canadian Mental Health Association concluded a study on all of the above, with 3027 participants Canada wide [15]. Here are some highlights:
A Canadian Psychiatric Research report has projected an increase of between 418-2114 excess suicides in Canada (depending on 1.6% to 10.7% increase in unemployment) [16].
Lastly, lockdowns are causing our general health and immunity to be being lowered. We are locked down at home, with increasing mental health issues, stress, lack of sunlight and lack of exercise. This further lowers our bodies’ response to any sort of infection, including COVID.
Using lockdowns, we have only looked at short term gratification, while disregarding long term destruction.
The ideal measure to avoid a lockdown is to increase hospital capacity as much as possible.
Unfortunately, hospital space and staff shortages have always been a problem, even before the pandemic [17]. Every flu season in the last 3 years has had hospitals running at over capacity. Don’t let COVID distract you from the historical failures of the government.
This may sound ludicrous, but a simple online search will prove it. Here are a few news articles from previous years addressing that concern:
Dec 2017:
Feb 2018:
Jan 2020:
Canada, despite being one of the biggest spenders for health care, sits far behind for services provided. As of 2019, out of 28 developed countries, here is how Canada ranked [18]:
Between Mar 15-Jun 13, 2020 (the first lockdown), the Ontario surgical backlog had an average increase of a whopping 11413 surgeries per week. This led to a total of 150000 backlogged surgeries, which is estimated to take 84 weeks to clear (almost 1.5 years) [19].
We were completely unprepared for additional medical concerns, let alone a pandemic. Why has the government not addressed the hospital capacity issue? This is the most IMPORTANT factor in avoiding a lockdown. Why is the public paying the price for government inadequacy?
Socio-economic factors are the greatest indicator for the health of the population. Lack of finances do affect mental health, physical health and life expectancy. Look at any third-world country. Look at the impoverished demographic of any population set.
Canadian Annual Deficit:
2019: $19.8 Billion [20]
Projected for March 2021: $381.6 to $398.7 Billion [21]
This is an increase in deficit of almost 2000%. THIS IS REAL. This is NOT a typo. Imagine your $20,000 student loan becoming $398,000. By far, this is the HIGHEST deficit in Canadian history.
Within the last year, Canada has had the worst increase in Debt-to-GDP ratio in the world, which has risen by 80% [22]. We have spent the most amount of money in proportion to what our economy generates.
Our Minister of Finance resigned during the summer. A day after the Fall Economic statement was released on Nov 30, 2020, our Deputy Minister of Finance also resigned.
Our current Minister of Finance has no background in this field. Watch this video of her in Parliament:
The following industries have been devastated: Aviation, Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality, Restaurants, Fitness, Retail
Our official unemployment rate in October 2020 was listed at 8.9% [23]. This is deceiving. This is artificially held low by government subsidies and by ridiculous requirements to be considered “unemployed”.
The true unemployment number could be as high as 30%, if not more [24]. That means a staggering 10 million Canadians unemployed.
218000 small-to-medium businesses are at risk of closing permanently [25]. That is 1 out of every 5 businesses. This was based on July 2020 data, before a second lockdown was announced, and is clearly much worse now.
On the other hand, large corporations are thriving. The price of a lockdown is not equally borne across the Canadian population.
We are all in the SAME storm, but not the SAME boat.
This all started with a wildly incorrect and catastrophic model of COVID deaths by Dr. Neil Ferguson, from the Imperial College in the U.K. He projected that, unmitigated, COVID-19 would kill 326,000 in Canada this year [26]. Similar projections were made for other countries. Dr. Ferguson’s faulty projections, without being reviewed, led to a swift global lockdown and mass hysteria.
Using the Wuhan lockdown as a example, with a “75% reduction in interpersonal contact rates” however, he predicted deaths would fall to under 46,000 in Canada. Coming to the end of 2020, we are at approximately 15000 COVID related deaths in Canada [1]. While that is still a tragic number, it is nowhere close to what was predicted.
Dr. Ferguson has a history of incorrect modeling, apart from COVID. [26] [27]
In March 2020, Dr. Ferguson admitted that his COVID modeling was based on a 13-year old computer code that was intended for a “feared influenza pandemic”.
We shut down the world based on this? No one looked for a second opinion? His reckless advice set a dangerous precedent for lockdown policies and abuse of human and constitutional rights.
If the government realized and changed their approach now, it would essentially mean admitting they are wrong. (Personally, I feel they have succumbed to tunnel vision).
How can they reverse course without getting politically skewered for going all in on what is now by far the largest public spending campaign ever, the most significant restriction on free society ever and the greatest peacetime damage ever inflicted on a generation, socially and economically, in modern history when it turns out it didn't make much of a difference? (Credit: Josh Kocher)
Instead, politicians have used the new “science” of DEMAGOGY - political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires, prejudices and emotions of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Implement measures that make us FEEL safe instead of what is ACTUALLY safe. With only COVID in the spotlight, actions are based on “optics”. As long as COVID lives are down, why bother with the collateral damage from a lockdown and its accompanying non-COVID deaths? Politicians don’t have to wipe that blood off their hands. Ignorance is bliss. Let’s save 1 COVID life that is in the public eye, but it will cost 10 lives down the road, not in the public eye. This is known as the Corona Dilemma (see attached pictures) [14].
If we had always put health ahead of the economy, here’s what would have happened a long time ago.
Doing the above would save millions of lives globally. But we accept those risks despite high fatality numbers, in order to stimulate the economy. We leave the decisions to drive cars, consume alcohol, eat fried foods and smoke in the hands of the people. (Yes, they are not CONTAGIOUS so it’s a different form of threat, but a death is a death, specially if it is statistically preventable).
Another important point to consider is that politicians are making decisions while being completely protected from the consequences of their decisions. Their salary stays the same and their large pensions fully protected. This is a position of PRIVILEGE.
For the general public, there are many working from home with pay. They have little to lose with a lockdown, so it is easy to support it. Again, a position of privilege. They are unaware of our country’s disastrous economic situation or the dangerous effects of a lockdown.
But more importantly, public support is being driven by mass hysteria; from the fear-mongering and sensationalizing of news by irresponsible journalism and incompetent politicians.
QUESTION: Why are high cycle threshold PCR tests still being used as the lone source for creating broad policies, despite their known inaccuracy and unsuitability? Can we stop with the constant regurgitating of daily case numbers?
QUESTION: Why are long term care facilities still experiencing COVID related deaths and not being protected better?
QUESTION: Why is the rest of Canada shut down when a distinct majority of the COVID related deaths are occurring in long term care homes, in age groups of 70+ and persons with co-morbidities?
QUESTION: Why do thousands of small businesses have to suffer when there is no proof that they are responsible for COVID transmissions?
Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table [29]: Restaurants, bars and clubs were the source of 0.7% of all COVID transmissions in Ontario. In fact, 58% of COVID cases do not know how and where the person was infected. The primary known source, close contact, adds up to 45% of Ontario COVID transmissions [29]. This means an unmasked setting for a prolonged period near someone close to you.
Have we seen Walmart and Costco take the contact information of every customer that enters the premises? No tracing = no cases = let them stay open.
Our politicians are blindly flailing at theories and superstitions to control this virus. How can a politician rob someone of their entire livelihood based on a hunch?
QUESTION: What is considered essential? Who decides this? Why is the LCBO (alcohol store ) open but gyms are not? To every person who is about to lose their job or business, is that not considered ESSENTIAL?
QUESTION: Why is a cost-benefit-result analysis not mentioned in any government policy?
QUESTION: Why has the government not put out a simple disclaimer to increase our Vitamin D3 intake, especially during the winter months? This one measure can possibly yield the MOST result with LEAST effort and collateral damage.
QUESTION: Why has the government not volunteered to take a pay cut, given that most of the population is suffering economically? Don’t CEOs take a pay cut when their company is in financial trouble?
NOTE: The New Zealand PM and her ministers took a 6-month 20% pay cut in April 2020 [30].
SIDENOTE: A Canadian MP who only holds 6 years in office gets a lifelong pension. Even a war veteran does not get this benefit [31]
QUESTION: Why are these policies being made behind closed doors? The Ontario government has abused its arbitrary emergency powers to make policies without the input of ALL members of Parliament. When did we give up democracy? Watch The Ontario Government Being Questioned About This In Parliament:
Why have those affected financially not been given a choice? If someone has to worry about putting food on the table and a roof over their head, they should have the right to go out and make a living. Let them decide for themselves whether they are willing to risk contracting COVID (a disease with a lethality rate of under 1% for the younger healthy working population).
QUESTION: Why is every international arrival subject to an archaic 14-day quarantine, when the Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Tam herself has said that there is little - if any - evidence of COVID transmission aboard aircraft? [32]
COVID transmission through travel primarily occurred BEFORE mitigation measures were implemented. Now, it is one of the safest public places you can be in. As of Jan 2, 2020, travel has only accounted for 2.5% of all COVID cases in Canada (with a known exposure setting). Most of these travel related cases are from early in the pandemic, before restrictions were placed [1].
Read the following fact-based article: The Irrational Fear Around Air Travel Needs To Stop (And We Need To Use Science Based Measures Instead):
Why is rapid testing not conducted on arriving passengers? Results from the McMaster Health Lab rapid test study at Toronto Pearson airport: 99.7% were cleared or detected for COVID on arrival [34].
QUESTION: If someone got COVID and has recovered, they have built natural immunity. Why do they need to be vaccinated?
Great Barrington Declaration:
World Doctors Alliance: Letter to Citizens and Governments of the World:
We have had 11 months to prepare and learn more. A lot is still unknown about COVID but A LOT IS KNOWN.
COVID is here now and we cannot stop it; that’s the harsh truth. Risk and harm cannot be completely eliminated. COVID will affect some people; that is unavoidable. It cannot be the SOLE reason behind making broad policies.
COVID is a harmful virus but not the killer virus it was projected to be.
There is a fine line between learning to live with COVID vs paralyzing our lives due to COVID, which we crossed a long time ago. Why are we hiding from COVID when we should use our knowledge to fight against it? Let’s stop the shortsighted and reactionary decision making.
We are we so focused on “number of cases and infections”? The test results are not reliable, and infections pose little or no harm to most of the younger healthy population. The important data is “number of hospitalizations and deaths”. In other words, shift our energy from “how do we limit COVID SPREAD?” to “how do we limit COVID DAMAGE?”
The long-term health and financial effects of a lockdown need to be considered. A lockdown will only transfer lives lost and destroyed. It will not save the overall excess deaths to a population. In fact, it will increase them in the long term.
The ONLY way out of this pandemic is through herd immunity, either naturally or through a vaccine. That vaccine is at least more than a year away for most people (another governmental failure). Moreover, there are many who will choose not to take a vaccine (personally, I will take it). We cannot have another 6 months of lockdowns. Every single day adds incredible amounts of short and long term damage.
(Edit) Firstly, we should continue precautions to limit COVID spread. These are mitigation measures that may yield results without collateral damage: masks, wash hands frequently, don’t touch your face, reasonably limit social interactions.
I hope it’s clear: the problem isn’t number of cases. It’s the number of deaths and number of hospitalizations.
We know one thing for sure: Lockdowns should be our absolute last measure and that they will still come at a serious cost to society. Lockdowns are a REACTIVE measure to avoid getting hospitals overloaded.
Our most helpful measure to avoid a lockdown would have been to increase hospital capacity, but the government has failed us there.
Moreover, implement the actions below:
  1. Offer Focused Protection for the following: long term care homes, the vulnerable population and those that have UNAVOIDABLE interaction with them. The measure alone may reduce COVID related deaths by 90+%. Even if the above demographic is half of the Canadian population, at least the other half don’t need to be locked down.
  2. Let everyone else live normally, if they CHOOSE (of course, with cautionary measures)
  3. Promote a healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet and increase Vitamin D intake for EVERYONE. This alone may reduce the number of hospitalizations, severe cases and long COVID.
  4. BONUS MEASURE: All politicians need to take a pay cut. Sign the following petition:
LET ME BE CLEAR. This is not about Lives VS. Economy. Health policy has been mistakenly sold as such. The truth is that a Focused Protection approach will save more lives and protect the economy. It’s a win-win.
This is about using everything we know to have an all-inclusive approach and look at the bigger long-term picture. To make decisions using science, data and logic, as opposed to fear and emotion.
Enough damage has been done. Don’t make the CURE worse than the virus. Don’t let political agendas get in the way of real help.
Free discourse is important because it helps to prevent bad ideas from blossoming and spreading.
We cannot simply accept the first viewpoint presented to us. Science requires many different points of view, rigorously tested, before arriving to a conclusion [35]. Science DEMANDS opposing opinions. Propaganda, on the other hand, silences it.
Something is VERY wrong when there is massive blowback to any questioning of the narrative. Something is VERY wrong when fear has become a virtue and courage a vice [35].
Something is VERY wrong when law enforcement questions the government about why they are forced to abandon their oath to the Charter Of Rights & Freedoms. Read their letter:
Please copy, paste or share this message if you agree.
Samad Kadri
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
[1] ... s.html#fn1
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[6] ... s-improve/
[8] ... RHTwitterD
[10] ... -ivd-users
[12] ... 20214494v2
[13] ... rol-method
[14] ... 2/download
[15] ... NAL-EN.pdf
[16] ... 8120310386
[17] ... -capacity/
[18] ... mary_0.pdf
[21] ... -1.5209807
[22] ... dp-covid19
[23] ... 6a-eng.htm
[24] ... ke-30.html
[25] ... losing.pdf
[26] ... wn-canada/
[27] ... grace/amp/
[28] ... every-year
[29] ... tario.html
[30] ... s-pay-cut/
[31] ... -plan.html
[32] ... -1.5797065
[34] ... Tr6W2NgSCw
[35] ... he-science
submitted by SamadKadri to LockdownSkepticism [link] [comments]

My popsicle/wood DIY

My popsicle/wood DIY
I got a syrian hamster a few weeks back, after not having had one (or a pet in general) for years and years. Unlike back then I now have my own income and new skills I like to practice, so when I realised that the hides and containers that I could find in shops or for online delivery (to the UK at least) were quite expensive and not that great, I decided to try to design and build my own.
I started off with cardboard and paper, but it was always a bit unreliable even if my hamster isn't a chewer; anything with enough surface area would be a bit too soft and likely to bend and flex. Additionally, it was just difficult to source good cardboard without buying it new, which felt like a waste. Amazon boxes here end up being quite soft usually, and the couple boxes of corrugated cardboard I had were extremely thick and difficult to work with.
So I got some supplies (big pack of popsicle sticks, a few basswood sheets, and a hot glue gun - although not strictly necessary and possibly not recommended if your hamster is a chewer or you can't hide the glue well) and set up a quick design in SketchUp. I basically just created components that matched my materials and sizes, and I just copy/pasted and then moved/cut the components apart to form the end result. It took some iteration to get the amount of material down since I didn't want to literally use all the popsicle sticks I bought, but it didn't take too long.
Once that was in place and I double checked my measurements, I got to work, simply glued the bits together (hiding the glue wherever possible), then set it up on the weekend as I replaced a bit of the bedding and cleaned the wheel out properly. Obviously that then highlighted some issues with the design that I had to fix (not present in the final image): the wheel (which was attached to the roof) was too low and too unstable because it was far from the back wall - which I fixed by attaching the wheel to the side wall instead higher up and adding a small wooden brace to the back of it fixed against the back wall (if anything it's much better like this), and the sand being dumped onto the wood directly meant urine would seep into the wood as well as be hard to take out and sift or replace - which I fixed by adding a small drawer organiser of roughly the same size/shape and putting the sand in that (small enough that I can pull it out without moving the structure).
The design fits my current cage perfectly (a Savic Hamster Plaza, so 50cm wide) and the wheel decently (the large Trixie plastic wheel), but I expect that if I upgrade at some point it'll still be a good bit of kit and it'll be even better with lots more bedding underneath.
Planning on doing a few more similar DIY projects, maybe some popsicle stick bridges and platforms to decorate the rest of the cage in a similar way.

Upper view from SketchUp
Bottom view from SketchUp
Upper view once built
Lower view once built
In the cage (with new ladder but before other improvements: wheel moved higher and sandbath container to hold sand)
submitted by mikeredhorse to hamsters [link] [comments]

Guðmundur and Geirfinnur case: Iceland's Famous 1974 Unresolved Double-Murder

[Disclaimer: Stereotypical "long-time lurker", but this serves as my first post in the sub. As I am writing this from mobile, please let me know if there are any issues with formatting or otherwise! I will also be referring to the victims and suspects by their first names, as many share the same surname.]
The Disappearance of Gudmundur Einarsson
In the early hours of January 26, 1974, Gudmundur Einarsson was leaving the community hall (Alpyouhusid) after a night of dancing in the harbor town of Hafnarfjorour, 10 km south of the capital, Reykjavik. When the hall closed at two o'clock in the morning, he started the long walk back to his home, roughly six miles (10 km) away. It was a bitterly chilly night in the town, reported with high winds and heavy snow. Whether it was a mixture of the alcohol or simply determination, the 18-year-old laborer decided to walk the distance home. From different sources, it is reported that two girls driving through the town claimed to have seen Gurmundur "and an aggressive drunk" attempting to wave down a car to hitchhike back to the town. The last reported sighting of Gurmundur was as he nearly fell in front of an oncoming motorist along the side of the road, too intoxicated to balance himself amongst the heavy snow. When Gurmundur failed to arrive to work, he was reported missing. The Icelandic police seemed to believe early on that he had succumbed to the elements, as they did not suspect foul play. It took several days to deploy search teams, who searched the icy lava fields thoroughly for days without success.
It is important to note here that disappearances in Iceland were not uncommon. Snorri Magnusson, an Icelandic detective with 30 years' service, is quoted, "Over decades and decades in Iceland, people have gone missing without anyone finding anything out - they just sort of disappear." Whether it's due to the terrain or simply the expansive nature of the country, police determined that Gurmundur's disappearance was likely the result of exposure, and the case was closed after two weeks pending further evidence.
Despite similar surnames, Geirfinnur and Gurmundur were not related; they didn't even know each other. Regardless, without the the disappearance of Geirfinnur, neither of the men's surnames may have ever come to light without the other.
The Disappearance of Geirfinnur Einarsson
Ten months after the disappearance of Gurmundur, on November 19, 1974, Geirfinnur Einarsson, a 32-year-old construction worker, was heading home after a long day of work. Geirfinnur's days were focused around his two young children, wife, and spending time when he could with his small circle of friends. On that November day, a colleague had driven Geirfinnur to a nearby cafe, where he purchased a pack of cigarettes. The colleague invited him to see a film at the local cinema to enjoy the evening off, but Geirfinnur had declined, saying that he had plans to meet someone later on that evening. Upon returning home, his wife heard him answer the ringing phone and quickly replying, "I've been there already. I'll be there." Shortly after this phone call, he left him home and drove a short distance to the harbor cafe in Keflavik. As if he intended to be back in mere moments, he left his keys in the ignition. Geirfinnur was last seen in a phone booth right outside of the cafe. In a rare move by Icelandic police, a murder investigation was opened. An extensive search was made of the Keflavik harbor, including the previously searched lava fields of the Reykjanes, but there was no sightings of Geirfinnur. Naturally, the inquiry began to focus in on the phone call that he had received and the man who he was speaking to in the phone booth near the cafe in the harbor, but a nationwide hunt of the small country lead to nothing. After months of continued efforts, there was no body, no forensic evidence, and no witnesses. With nothing to go on and no leads panning out, the case went cold by the summer of 1975.
By this time, the Icelandic police found themselves under intense pressure to solve the case. Other than Gurmundur and Geirfinnur's unresolved disappearances, a 1968 murder of a taxi driver was fresh in the minds of the public. The citizens found themselves questioning the ability of law enforcement, and the police felt the heat. After Geirfinnur's 1974 disappearance, rumors began to spin about a petty criminal who may know something about the case. Saevar Ciesielski was a 20-year-old young man who had been caught importing cannabis from Denmark, but otherwise, had avoided the attention of police. A year following Geirfinnur's disappearance, Saevar and Erla Bolladottir, his same-aged girlfriend, were arrested on charges of embezzlement. The two had to leave their 11-week-old daughter behind at home and were brought in for questioning. The police decided to take Erla aside for independent questioning, and the conversation quickly shifted from the embezzlement accusations. They showed Erla a picture of Gudmundur, and to their surprise, Erla admitted to knowing him. She said that she had met him at a party, recalling him as "handsome" and said that they had briefly talked. Erla said that on the night Gudmundur went missing, she had a dream that her boyfriend, Saevar, was standing outside her room and was talking with his friends.
The police felt that Erla was repressing traumatic memories. After hours of interrogation, Erla began to question herself--had she actually witnessed something terrible? Erla recalled, at the zenith of the investigation, being told, "We are going to help you recall everything. You will not be able to leave here until you tell us what happened to Gudmundur Einarsson." After exhaustive interrogation and probing, Erla said that the police were threatening to withhold her from her child if she didn't provide a confession. Further, they told Erla that Saevar had betrayed her in the other room, implicating her entirely for the fraud charge that they were initially brought in for. The police warned her that for serious crimes, there was no limit to the time that she could be held in solitary confinement. She was kept in a cell, and during the following days, there were long interviews. Investigators kept pressing her for information, telling her that they "just wanted to unlock her memories." After a 10-hour long interview, Erla testified that she saw Saevar and three friends with what seemed like a body wrapped up in a bed sheet. When presented with it, Saevar suddenly admitted that he might know something about the death of Gudmundur, implicating his closest friends alongside him. After a week of interrogations, a pressed confession, and the other names of alleged accomplices named, Erla was released. Slowly, a story was developing in the eyes of the investigation: Saevar as the ringleader of an Icelandic Manson-family-esque group of young thugs, killing innocent people at random.
Kristjan Vidar Vidarsson, described as a large, tough but gentle giant, was the first of Saevar's alleged accomplices. Kristjan had a series of temporary jobs and a record for drug offenses and burglary. The second man, Tryggvi Runar Leifsson, was described as being very physical and "someone to be avoided when he was drinking and was spoiling for a fight". He too drifted in and out of temporary work, and had served time in jail for petty crimes. Both Kristjan and Tryggvi were interrogated, and kept in isolation where their only human contact was with interrogators. If they refused to cooperate, they were threatened with extensions of their solitary confinement from weeks to months, or even years. After several weeks of solitary confinement and lengthy interrogations, Kristjan and Tryggvi admitted to killing Gudmundur in a fight over payment for a bottle of spirits.
The last suspect, Albert Klahn Skaftason, was described as a gentle sidekick of the group who had only previously had contact with police for marijuana possession. He struggled with the isolation of the interrogation, and admitted to transporting Gudmundur's body to the lava fields, where it was hidden within the gaping cracks.
With the disappearance of Gudmundur seemingly solved, the police began to wonder if the disappearance of Geirfinnur could be linked to the group. Rumors had circulated about Saevar saying that Geirfinnur having a "big mouth", and investigators payed attention. Erla, having implicated her boyfriend and his friends, was naturally fearful of reparation. The police, befriending the young mother, asked about the disappearance of Geirfinnur, to which Erla responded: "Maybe." The following day, investigators returned and recycled their same mantra of "wanting to help Erla remember," and the police began questioning Saevar and his friends regarding Geirfinnur's disappearance. This time, however, Erla was also on the list of suspects.
However, when pressed for confessions from each suspect, law enforcement would receive a number of different stories regarding how Geirfinnur supposedly died. At first, Geirfinnur had died after falling off of a boat. Then, it had been from a fight on board a boat. Confessions wildly varied, from Erla confessing to killing Geirfinnur herself with a shotgun to both a fall and and a fight occurring on a boat, according to Saevar. By the summer of 1976, four of the suspects had been in prison for six months, despite no convictions. Kristjan and Saevar's stories were that they had killed Geirfinnur, along with a foreigner. Erla was also imprisoned, being treated as an accessory in the murder of Geirfinnur. "Supercop" Karl Schutz, from Germany, arrived to Iceland to help work the case in August of 1976. Supercop Schutz was described as a good questioner, being both a priest and a psychologist. His philosophy was quoted as stating that, "You should confess because you will feel better afterwards. There's a burden off your shoulder if you confess. Tell us the truth and you will feel better forever. And God will look upon you with a blessing." Schutz set up a task force of 10 officers (a 1/3 of the Icelandic detective squad) and began looking for the so-called "foreigner" who Saevar and Kristjan had supposedly committed the murder with. This team lead them to Gudjon Skarphedinsson, a 32-year-old former teacher. In Iceland, his dark hair made him stand out, earning him the "Foreigner" nickname that would come to be his scarlet letter. Gudjon's character was certainly interesting, in that he let Saevar--a former student of his--smuggle drugs into Iceland using his car. From this connection, law enforcement believed that Saevar had called on him again to drive to Keflavik to meet, abduct, and kill Geirfinnur. Schutz was convinced that Gudjon and the other five suspects in custody were guilty, but now he was faced with the burden of proof: to get them to give consistent, detailed accounts of the murder. Schutz believed that Geirfinnur's body had been put in Erla's Land Rover, taken to the lava fields, put into a grave, and burned while Erla stood by and watched it being done. In line with his philosophy, Schutz convinced Erla--after spending months in solitary confinement--to sign a statement, saying, "If you sign [the] report, you have a chance of being released."
Now, all Schutz had to do was find the location of the body--and with the signed confession by Erla, he leaned into her to find it. Erla was taken out to the lava fields, sometimes by herself, and other times with Saevar. Over a two year period, the suspects were taken out on at least 60 separate occasions to look for the two victims they claimed to have murdered.
The suspects, in the mean time, were living through hell. They had been kept in isolation, interviewed at length under pressure with little contact with their lawyers, given drugs (Mogadon, diazepam and chlorpromazine), and subjected to sleep deprivation and water torture. Saevar was known to have a fear of water. Many of them claimed to have signed confessions in order to put an end to their solitary confinement. Erla was held in solitary confinement for 242 days, two others in solitary confinement for over 600 days--Tryggvi, kept for 655 days, was kept in the longest known solitary confinement outside of Guantamano Bay--and Saevar was kept in custody (not necessarily solitary confinement) for a total of 1,533 days.
During 1976, four other people had been also brought in for questioning and sat in solitary confinement in relation to this crime, all due to implication by the other suspects. Erla's own half-brother sat innocent in 105 days in solitary confinement after a false accusation.
On December 8, 1976, Gudjon was the last to confess to the killing of Geirfinnur. Now that all six had confessed, an investigation of the double murder which had lasted more than a year fully depended on the confessions of the six suspects--with no physical evidence to implicate them.
On New Years Eve, 1976, a young detective Gisli Gudjonsson had administered a lie detector test to Gudjon. Following the test, he began to question whether Gudjon had truly been involved in the crimes. Several of the suspects now began trying to retract their confessions, stating that they had been pressured into signing statements that they knew weren't true. However, investigators dismissed these claims, as did the court--sometimes, due to the retractions coming too late, or due to inhibition by investigators. It took a year and a half to agree on a final version presented to the court. The final statement was that Geirfinnur was killed on dry land among the empty rusting hulls of fish boats perched on iron blocks. It was stated that this had occured because Geirfinnur couldn't deliver the alcohol, and he was attacked by the group. The investigators claimed that Geirfinnur's body had been taken to Reykjavik and hidden in the cellar of Kristjan's grandmother's house for several days before being taken to the lava fields, where he was put into a shallow grave and burned. In December 1977, two years after the initial arrests, the court returned with its verdict. Saevar would serve life for the the two murders, as implicated ringleader; the five other suspects were given a range of punishments, ranging from 12 years for Gudjon to 3 years for Erla.
Tryggvi died in 2009, after battling cancer.
In 2011, the so-called ringleader of the two murders, Saevar, died homeless in Copenhagen. His death spurred investigative TV journalist Helga Arnardottir to research the story further. Her research lead her to Kristin Tryggvadottir, the daughter of Tryggvi. Kristin revealed her father's diaries, which detailed his innocence.
The young detective from 1976, Gudjonsson, had gone on to become an internationally renowned expert on suggestibility and false confessions. He articulated Memory Distrust Syndrome, in which individuals start distrusting their own memories and become influenced by others. Helga immediately shared the diaries with Gudjonsson (now living in London), and within just three hours of reading the documents, Gudjonsson went on the record on Icelandic TV to say that the case should be reopened. Two weeks later, an Icelandic government inquiry was announced.
In March 2013, after 18 months of investigation, a report released by the government revealed "incompetence and abuses of the police investigation." The report cited solitary confinement, the improper usage of medication, inhuman treatment (water torture, sleep deprivation), denial of legal counsel, and assumption of guilt as main contributing factors to false confessions. They also cited that the lack of forensic evidence, bodies, and motive was also missing from the investigation.
On February 24, 2017, the Inferior Ministry's Rehearing Committee concluded that the cases of Saevar, Kristjan, Tryggvi, and Gudjon should be reheard by the Supreme Court of Iceland. However, the committee did not recommend a retrial for Erla.
In February 2018, the State Prosecutor requested that the Supreme Court acquit Saevar, Kristjan, Tryggvi, Gudjon, and Erla, and on September 27, 2018, the Supreme Court acquitted all of the men, but did not reverse Erla's conviction.
Despite the miscarriage of justice seen by the prosecution, we are still left with two men who mysteriously vanished from thin air. I attempted to gather as much information as I could about both Gurmundur and Geirfinnur, but there was a serious lack of information as far as other motives and possibilities go. What happened to these men? Where are they now? Were they victims of exposure, or did they meet a more sinister end?
Iceland Monitor -
Previous Thread (Reddit):
German News Site:
Out of Thin Air Film:
EuroDrama Wordpress:
Wikipedia Page on the case:
Edit: Spelling, formatting, and added in a last section of thoughts after sleeping on it :)
Edit #2: Thanks to Killfetzer , who also did a write-up on this same disappearance! They provided some awesome updates to this case. There were some new developments in 2015/2016, so 40 years later. From them:
In 2015 the ex-girlfriend of the driver of the car that almost hit Guðmundur came forward to the police and confessed that she and another person were also in the car. Apparently Guðmundur was hit by the car. They took him with them in the car. When she left the car Guðmundur was alive but in a bad condition. The driver was questioned by the police and he confessed that he put up (wrongfully) accusation of two of the convicted men because he did not like them, but declined any involvement into the vanishing.
In 2016 a man came forward and told that he saw three man arriving per boat at a fish processing plant the day after Geirfinnur's disappearance. Two men let the almost unconscious man in the middle into the plant. When they left it, that almost unconscious man allegedly whispered "Remember me" to the witness. After that they left again by boat. Sometime later he saw the boat return with only two men in it. Two days later his girlfriend received a call that threatened her and her boyfriend with execution if he would say anything about what he had seen. That was the reason why he was silent for over 40 years.
submitted by PM_Me_A_Cute_Doggo to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

[Lets Build] Things found on an abandoned industrial Space Station

I know it's a little specific but I've always bemoaned the lack of sci-fi / sci-fantasy stuff around here so I figured I'd start with something that would be immediately useful for my Starfinder campaign. My party are getting ready to explore the bottom floors of a decommissioned industrial space station. What strangeness will they encounter?
Imagine an old mining/manufacturing space station, long abandoned and in a slowly decaying orbit around an unimportant outer rim star. In its prime maybe this place was a hub of mining and industry, pulling raw resources out of a local asteroid belt and converting them to purified, usable materials. It's been decades, maybe even centuries since this place was crewed and operational. Now it's just hideout for local space pirates and criminal syndicates... at least in the few still usable top floors. The bottom, far deeper floors however have become the lair of all manner of strangeness... nameless aliens, undead miners, and decommissioned industrial robots. Like any good dungeon, over the years this a station has been played host numerous occupants, each using this place for their own clandestine purposes. What strange going-ons have occured in this forgotten corner of the galaxy? Find out below!
Edit: Here is a link (provided by [u/World_of_Ideas]) to another similar yet different list that might be useful to anyone using an abandoned space station or space ship in their games: Things salvaged from a spaceship or spacestation

  1. Broken Down Waste Recycling Center - A large room filled with silos of sorted waste (rusty metal scraps, long dried organic materials [food and... other stuff], the remnants of cracked asteroids, etc), industrial machinery (shredders, sorters, magnetizers, atomizers, etc), and conveyor belts to transport the waste. The sole working piece of machinery still is a large bridge crane suspended from the ceiling. If the party spends time digging around, they might find a seriously damaged robot (which looks like one of the local races in this sector of space) in one of the trash heaps. The robot is missing most of its limbs, but with a little love might be brought back online to serve the party. [u/solamon77]
  2. Huge cargo elevator - This elevator has seen some better days. It can take the party deeper by a couple floors easily, but struggles to go back up. Runs a serious risk of breaking down and plunging into the depths if not repaired first. In the elevator is a large shipping container filled with rusted industrial parts. [u/solamon77]
  3. Illegal drug lab- Local space-pirates set up an illegal drug Glowdust factory here. It seems abandoned (or maybe not?). The party can gather up the remaining drugs and sell them for considerable profit or just have a couple really great party nights! Searching the lab could result in accidental exposure to the incredible psychedelic effects of Glowdust if the party isn't careful enough. Maybe there is an undead still wandering around down here, left over from when the lab went boom. He's been twisted by the long term exposure to the Glowdust and his bite cause the recipient to immediately trip balls! [u/solamon77]
  4. A strange rhythmic tapping - Every so often the party hears a strange rhythmic tapping echoing off the exposed network of pipes running through the station. It's far too regular and far too intricate to be random. What's causing it? [u/solamon77]
  5. A large fungus filled culvert - A huge culvert runs through the wall here. The culvert once piped radioactive industrial waste and is still minorly radioactive to this day. Inside grows a bunch of huge bushy fungus that might have to be cleared to pass through. The fungus glows and hisses when disturbed and might alert a local creature. [u/solamon77]
  6. Solar (or Void) Dragon's Lair - An old mother wyrm has taken up residence here to hatch her egg. She is large and glows faintly from collected sunlight. She likes how close to the sun this station has gotten and has tore off a wall to let in more light. The wyrm isn't necessarily aggressive, but she is quite hungry. Maybe the party can help... one way or another! Or perhaps if the DM wants, it's an evil Void Dragon who is spoiling for a fight. [u/solamon77]
  7. Assembly Ooze making toy dolls - The party starts coming across counterfeit dolls laying about. As they proceed further, they grow more numerous. The dolls were of a model that was quite popular a couple decades ago, but has now fallen into obscurity. Eventually the dolls are so numerous that they make movement difficult without first clearing them out. In the center of the dolls is a still functioning Assembly Ooze (a nanobot ooze that atomizes raw materials before converting and reassembling them back into a pre-programmed shape) set up long ago to counterfeit these once popular toys. The Ooze was never told to stop and has been making these dolls for decades now. Perhaps it turned on a attacked the would be counterfeiters and converted them into dolls and now it wants to do the same to the party! [u/solamon77]
  8. A large open shaft - The shaft prevents the party from moving forward. A maze of rusty old pipes provides a precarious bridge for which to cross the shaft. The pipes are barely big enough to cross by putting one foot directly in front of the other. A flammable gas wafts up from below preventing the party from using any jet packs or guns. [u/solamon77]
  9. A functioning cryo pod - A still functioning cryopod has someone (something) still asleep in it. [u/disturbednadir]
  10. The homicidal AI - The main AI that controls the facility has gone homicidal, which is why it was turned off, but when activated it starts using the security bots and turrets on the PC'S, and the best part is that the AI is programmed to always be happy and chipper. Sorta like the Heart of Gold from HHGTG, or Yes Man from Fallout new vegas. Due to the homicidal AI, they need to activate the backup AI, F.A.T.H.E.R (Facility Administrator for Total Human Emergency Response). [u/disturbednadir]
  11. Ruptured cooling tanks - The cooling tank for one of the reactors has flooded a couple of levels, so it's time to swim, like from Aliens. [u/disturbednadir]
  12. Weird gravity - The whole facility spins, using centripetal force for artificial gravity, so if they have to go to the core, they're going to have to deal with weird gravity issues. [u/disturbednadir]
  13. Conveyor Belt Ride - To get from one part of the place to another, they will have to activate processing machinery and ride the conveyor belt and have a fight sorta like the factory fight from Phantom Menace. [u/disturbednadir]
  14. Emergency Space Walk - To reach a destination, they have to go on an emergency space walk. [u/disturbednadir]
  15. A perfectly preserved corned beef sandwich - As the party gets to the front of the station, they see an air-tight bag with a squashed corned beef sandwich. This will probably be next to two astronaut skeletons. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  16. A control room with a still-functioning AI - though it can only play music. It's basically a jukebox that can tell you that your music taste is bad. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  17. A large broken airlock door - the doorway leads to the airlock, but it wont work, because one door needs to be closed for the other to open. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  18. A vandalized control room - All the screens have been coloured over with black permanent marker and the F key removed from the keyboard. A cup of mouldy zero-g coffee rotates aimlessly off to the left of the room. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  19. Sexy Time Observation Room - An observation room showing the station exterior and processing entrance. It’s filled with padded blankets and vision and smells faintly of sweat and sex. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  20. A hidey hole - a small sleeping bag and heater (now broken due to element decay) fill the floor space but some ingenious soul has use the wiring looms as bookshelves there’s more than one hundred physical hard copy books here. Some could be valuable. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  21. Failed water reclamation facility - A water reclamation facility linked to all the waste processing units on this floor. The filter died a long time ago and the stench is quite amazing as the door seal is opened. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  22. Storage warehouse - A maze of stackable crates bearing the logo of the (company, station). There is an automated hoist system built into the ceiling. Most of the crates are empty. However if anyone checks the manifest computer, they might find a few interesting things (raw ore ready for processing, station repair materials, medical supplies, a robot. On a better than average computer check they might find an entry after the station was decommissioned. The mystery crates are (pirates stash, smugglers stash) [u/World_of_Ideas]
  23. A medical station - The medical supplies have mostly been looted. However there is an auto-doc station that seems to be functional if anyone can find a way to power it. If anyone checks the med bay computer logs, they can get data on company employees and they may be a few unnamed entries dated after the station was decommissioned. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  24. An anti-grav push cart - The cart itself ran out of power long ago. It's piled with cylinders containing core samples. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  25. The main refinery - The room is filled with giant machines that crush the raw ore, separate the desired material(s) from the waste, and transfer the various materials to collection bins where they will be purified or melted into ingots. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  26. The cafeteria - To your surprise both the kitchen and dining area are spotless. It seems that there are 2 functional robots in this area, a cleaning robot and an auto-chef. Both the robots have been programed to remain in the cafeteria and will resist being removed from the area. The chef bot can create a variety of interesting meals if provided the ingredients. The pantry and freezer are currently empty. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  27. Crew Quarters - Tiny bedrooms, with a folding bed and work area and a connecting bathroom. Most of the rooms have been cleaned out. A thorough search of the rooms might reveal (odd bits of clothing, a few personal effects, blankets, a few bits of contraband, a data pad). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  28. The Pirates Trap - A room appears to contain several crates with logos from (different companies, cargo ships). The crates are empty or contain useless junk. A very high perception check will reveal an infrared sensor on the door that is not part of the original room. When anyone enters the room, there will be a delay and then all the doors will shut and lock. Then knockout gas will be pumped into the room via the air vents. If the pirates are still on the station the unconscious PCs will be searched, disarmed, and put in a cell in the security rooms for questioning. Pirates will want to know who else is here and where the PCs ship is. If the pirates are no longer in the facility, the PCs will wake up in the locked room and the station will broadcast a signal to the pirates about intruders. (Note: Trap doesn't have to be pirates; body harvesters, hostile faction listening post, infamous criminal on the run, mad scientist, pirates, rebels, slavers, smugglers). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  29. Rupturing Pipes - Without warning, the maze of pipes running along every surface begin to rattle and shake as pressure builds up inside. They creating an awful clanging sound as they clang against the dirty walls. Suddenly 1d6 of the pipes bursts open, potentially spilling their contents upon the party. (Roll a 3d6. The higher the number the more dangerous the contents of the pipes) [u/solamon77]
  30. Meteor Strike - A meteor comes plunging through the wall potentially hitting a character and opening a large fissure in the hallway. Air rushes out the opening potentially sucking characters into open space. [u/solamon77]
  31. Trash Compactor - A perfectly cubic room filled to the ceiling with industrial trash. A perception check might reveal a partially obscured sign in a different language warning not to enter this area while the compactor is active. A path through the trash has been carved over the years by some unknown creature. When midway through the maze of trash, without warning the compactor fires to life. The party has to quickly navigate through the rapidly closing passageways of trash before getting crushed to death. [u/solamon77]
  32. Remains of another adventuring group - The corpses of a long dead adventuring group are found sticking out of a heap of solidified melted slag. Seeing as they are mostly covered in slag, there isn't much to salvage from them, but perhaps an arm sticks out of the slag still holding onto a weapon or a valuable item of some sort. The arm maintains a deathgrip on the item and has to be broken out of the hand to be retrieved. A quick look around reveals a large burst pipe close to the ceiling as the culprit for the parties death. The pipe is now empty aside from melted slag buildup sticking to its insides and could provide a way forward for the PCs. They will have to squeeze their way through. [u/solamon77]
  33. The Elephant's Foot - A highly radioactive heap of corium piled along the walls of this hallway. The corium spilled from a reactor core meltdown some floors above and has spilled through melted holes in the ceiling. The intense radiation seemed to create strange pulsating multi-color will o' wisp like anomalies. They float in the hallways like pollen on a breeze. Are they radiation fey? Are they the spirits of long dead workers? Are they something different entirely? [u/solamon77]
  34. Hull Plates - A collection of meter thick metal slabs of various shapes. A few are held up by cranes and could be dropped for a devastating trap. [u/someone_back_1n_time]
  35. The Monorail - A still functioning monorail system for transporting workers to different parts of the facility or different facilities. PCs will have to figure out how to operate the stations airlock doors to allow the train to leave the station(s). Also care must be taken as to which train they choose as some of the tracks have collapsed. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  36. The Shuttlecraft - A small 6 person shuttlecraft rest on one of the rooftop landing pads. The shuttle was meant as a means to transport people and supplies between the facility and ships in orbit. It will require minor repairs and refueling to get it functional again [u/World_of_Ideas]
  37. The Hanger - A large hangar bay, large enough to hold 2 or 3 medium sized spaceships. The facility has the equipment needed to load and unload cargo, make repairs, and refuel ships. Most of the fuel tanks are empty. There may be a ship already docked here, if so they are: black ops team sent to erase the evidence of "x" / company sent to retrieve "x" / infamous criminal / looters / mad scientist / pirates / rebels / salvage company / ship that had to make emergency repairs or needed refueling / smugglers. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  38. The Crash Site - One of the shuttlecraft suffered a catastrophic malfunction and crashed into the facility. The section is sealed off by airlocks as it is now a vacuum or contains hazardous atmosphere. The shuttle itself will never fly again. However, it may be salvaged for useful parts or fuel. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  39. The Crash Site (2)- One of the shuttlecraft crashed into the facility. All the airlocks are sealed around the damage section. What at first appears to have been a horrible accident, turns out to have been a deliberate act. Underneath the wreckage are the remains of: an alien robot / a war bot / some sort of creature. If the black box is retrieved, it reveals that this was a desperate attempt to kill the thing, that tore through the rest of the facility. Damage to the facility and signs of firefights seem to support this. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  40. The Barricade - PCs come across a barricaded door, that is partially bent inwards. Someone literally welded the door shut and then welded anything metal they could find to reinforce the door. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  41. The Firefight - Your not sure what when down here, but someone got in a firefight. One side of the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). It seems that whoever was shooting was also retreating as the damage continues down one of the long corridors connected to the room. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  42. The Firefight (2) - The room is completely shot to hell. Two opposing walls and anything that might have been used as cover in the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). If conventional firearms were used, the floor is also covered in spent shells. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  43. The Hydroponics Bay - Formerly a large garden meant to offset the food cost of running the facility. Most of the plants are long dead from lack of water or light. However, one corner of the bay still seems functional. All the plants there seem healthy and alive. A successful (science, botany, medicine) check will reveal that about 1/3rd of the plants are illegal drug plants from various planets. The other plants seem to be actual food plants. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  44. Deadly Communications - At first glance the main communications array appears to be broken as it's pointing down towards the facility. Upon further inspection, it looks like someone manually pointed it at a specific section of the facility. When the PCs discover the main communications room, the discover that the system has been tuned to a specific frequency and turned up to maximum, until the system burned out. If the targeted part of the facility is investigated, they discover a horrific scene. Multiple creatures have been exploded and cooked as if being locked in a microwave set on high. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  45. Scary Spare Parts Storage - This low-ceilinged chamber is filled with all manner of disused humanoid robotic parts: heads, arms, legs, hands, tank treads, pincers, torsos, etc. They hand, covered in dust, off of a hundred metal hooks and chains suspended from the ceiling. The only light that functions in the room is a flashing red emergency light. With a successful Perception check, the party can notice strange unidentified lumps laying about the ground (the remains of other unfortunate visitors to this room). Inspecting too deep in the room causes the parts to come alive, grabbing the unfortunate adventurer, and trying to pull him deeper in the room. Eventually the parts try to rip the adventurer asunder. [u/solamon77]
  46. Floor Lines (Blue)- A painted blue line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Once they are good and lost, the Blue line eventually fades to the point where it can no longer be followed. If the party doubles back, they discover that they can no longer find where the Blue Line picks up again. Before long they hear chuckling and an impish voice echoing through the halls taunts the party, demanding some kind of payment to lead them back out again. [u/solamon77]
  47. Floor Lines (Red)- A painted red line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line dead-ends into a large break room containing the desiccated corpses of dead factory workers. The corpses look chewed upon. Even with age, the smell of burnt tobacco clings to the yellowed walls and assaults the parties noses. An old CRT TV sits upon a perch near the ceiling and a bank of old vending machines containing all sorts of goods runs along the far wall (rotten food, cigarettes, condoms, a capsule spell machine, etc). If the party searches the room, they find a coat room containing a bunch of gift cards totaling a modest sum of money. Do the corpses come alive to protect their booty or do they just sit there enjoying their rest? Does the TV turn on scaring the party? What does it display?[u/solamon77]
  48. Floor Lines (Yellow)- A painted yellow line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line leads to a collapsed hall preventing any further movement forward. [u/solamon77]
  49. Floor Lines (Green)- A painted green line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually it becomes clear that the line is doubling back on itself at some point and the party is walking in circles. A voice echos out mocking the party for their foolishness. If the party closely inspects the trail, they can eventually figure out where the old line was erased and follow down that hallway. Eventually the green line picks up again. As they walk down the hallway, the voice becomes angrier and more threatening, promising all manner of woes if the party doesn't turn back. If they press on the green line dead-ends into a large closed metal door. Knocking down the door reveals a surveillance room filled with a bank of functioning CCTVs displaying parts of the preceding hallways and a microphone. The room seems to have been converted into living quarters for some smallish creature. The creature is missing, but it's obvious by the presence of burning cigarettes that it was here very recently. The party can loot the room to reveal a bunch of stolen treasures (and anything that was taken from them by the creature earlier [see #46 - Blue Floor Lines]), but it will no doubt piss off whoever lives here. [u/solamon77]
  50. Asteroid Cracking - A massive dome shaped room with without a floor and a scaffolding running along it's curved walls. Below is the vastness of open space. Along the top of the dome is a series of tracks upon which three giant industrial mining lasers are fixed. In the center of the room floats a huge perfectly spherical asteroid, rotating in zero-g. If the party follows the wires hanging from the mining lasers, they will see that they eventually run back to a small shielded control room on the other side of the massive chamber. The party will have to walk along the rickety scaffolding to reach the control room. From inside the control room, the party can control the mining lasers can crack the asteroid. What's inside? Precious metals easily converted to Credits? A sleeping elder creature? Nothing at all? [ u/solamon77]
submitted by solamon77 to d100 [link] [comments]

LONG: Unplanned baby, but loved and wanted. Now instead of the gender disappointment I was planning to deal with we are planning to say goodbye. TW: Termination FMR NHS UK

Two weeks ago I was a little excited to finally have my 20 week scan. SO could finally see baby and I felt like it was going to be time to tell our eldest and other people we had been keeping it from. I was a little worried because I had a feeling this would be boy number 3 and I had small hopes to finally re-balance our household. This was a surprise baby; we were planned to be done given two c-sections, age (37 now) and my last pregnancy was hard on me. But when it happened we decided to push on and welcome another child. Things were relatively good. I didn't feel pregnant half the time. 12 week scan was fine, no immediate red flags. I did have a episode of biliary colic the next day and got checked out to be diagnosed with gallstones. After conferring with a surgeon it became clear I would just have to maintain a low fat diet and they would operate after baby was born. Other than that things seemed hunky dory, just exhausting being pregnant with two kids, one just turned 1.
The sonographer seemed preoccupied while doing the scan. She asked if we wanted to know the sex and I turned to my SO and checked he didn't want to have a surprise for the last go around. He confirmed he wanted to know and the sonographer said as almost a throwaway comment "yeah, looks like a boy" while looking intently at another part of his anatomy. That was my first red flag. After a little bit more looking at the heart, flashing up different colour views of blood flow, she told us it was a new machine and she was still getting used to the positioning of the buttons. Not sure how true this was or whether she wanted to say something to reassure us because she was taking a long time trying to get a good view of the heart. After a while she said she had some bad news. She explained that she had seen a couple of concerning patterns in the examination of the baby. She showed us his heart and explained that the valves should make a seagull shape rather than look flat. She then showed us his stomach and intestines and said there was a "double bubble" which means there is likely a problem with the development of intestines and then finally she said the one she couldn't be 100% of was a possibility of a cleft lip. Some views looked normal but there were others where there was a shadow. She went away to consult with a OB-GYN for agreement before she came back to talk through what would happen next. Meanwhile my SO and I, probably in shock, had a bit of a nervous giggle. She came back and explained we were being referred to a fetal medicine unit (FMU) for more thorough scans of the entire baby. She said they would take independent measurements and look at the whole thing from scratch. She then also said the words most people dread to hear which was the combination of more than one issue usually suggests a genetic problem so we should consider if that is something we want to investigate. On the other side she made it sound like surgery on a newborn was a piece of cake and in all likelihood these conditions were easily correctable.
We were a bit stunned. Not telling our 4 year old he is going to be a big brother then. Not saying anything to most people. I had a meeting already booked with my line manager (whom I hadn't told I was pregnant yet) where I had to explain in the same breath I was pregnant but we were having to have more scans as there could be some issues. I told three close friends whom I had told we were going for a scan that there were complications and we were having more scans.
And then I waited for a call from the FMU to set the appointment. The next day they said they would see me first thing in two days time. The wait felt like an age. That said we were still blissfully ignorant of exactly how serious it all was and I avoided Dr Google so I didn't upset myself.
Friday came, we went to the scan. The fetal cardiology scan was first. They asked me if I minded if a trainee was allowed to carry out the initial part of the scan. I am always happy for people to learn and to help out. However there were also 2 consultants and an additional junior doctor so, in total 4 doctors crowded round the monitor, sometimes blocking the view of the screen on the wall. I felt very frustrated by the end of it, especially there was lots of muttering (which as someone who is hard of hearing and with everyone wearing masks it was just impossible to judge whether it was a good or a bad sign). Eventually one of the consultant say "That's what I was hoping to see..." to which my SO thought was a positive sign.
By the end of the scan I was feeling quite sore. They pressed along my scar from my previous c-sections and were pressing hard because of my weight. What was more distressing was this was just the first scan. They took us into a side room to explain what their findings were. The consultant drew a "normal" heart (all of which I remembered from my secondary school days) and then he drew what was going on with our baby's heart. He diagnosed a complete balanced AVSD (atrioventricular septal defect). He said part of the valves were missing and there was a hole in the lower section and likely (although they didn't see to confirm) in the upper section. He then explained it is commonly associated with Trisomy 21 and while there are "good" outcomes for surgery which usually happens around 3-6 months it depends on what else is going on as well. He left us to take in the information and said they would come for us to do the second scan shortly.
Second scan was a bit less brutal and quieter in terms of personnel. That said the monitor on the wall was angled in such a way that all I could see was a blur so I felt like I was just lying there with everyone knowing what was going on but me. The consultant took all the necessary measurements, saw the "double bubble" and confirmed it was duodenal atresia. She couldn't confirm the cleft lip. She decided it was a shadow from something else but got another consultant to check for a second opinion. While she left the room to fetch the other consultant they left us in the room with the image of the baby's face on the screen.
Once she confirmed the duodenal atresia we asked questions about what that meant but overall everyone kept saying unless we understood the genetic issues they couldn't give us a meaningful plan or prognosis.
We talked with a midwife, after holding each other and crying (mostly me), and decided we should probably have an amnio for a quick and definitive diagnosis and should we decide not to continue with the pregnancy we needed a diagnosis soon. They gave us the weekend to be sure we wanted one, especially as they wouldn't be able to send it for analysis until the following week anyway.
The amnio came on a Wednesday. We rushed from dropping the kids at school and nursery up to the hospital and then waited in the waiting room anxiously. The midwife explained that we would have a scan and double check things and then they would perform the amnio. However the scan bit was very short. The consultant checked his heartbeat and then realised that the conditions were good so moved quickly to perform it before baby moved and made it more risky. In order to take my mind off things they asked us about a holiday we had been on and ended up talking for 5 minutes about ice cream flavours. The whole time I kept my eyes shut and wiggled my toes (someone recommended it on here and if anything it gave me something else to focus on). I didn't feel too much pain, just a bit achy afterwards and I spent the afternoon on the sofa playing computer games. 2-3 working days to get the results so I felt that probably we were looking at not hearing anything until Monday
Thursday 6pm my phone starts ringing while we are getting the children ready for bed. The midwife didn't want to make us wait any longer than necessary and the results had just come through. Positive for T21. It just felt like a perfect storm where nothing was going in a more positive direction. It seemed every conversation or journal article I read uncovered another possibility of something being worse.
I tried to look for positive outcomes with all three conditions. I trawled through down syndrome groups, message boards and journal articles and it was very slim pickings. Any sign of both conditions either had a sad ending or the heart issue was less complicated. Some reported the heart diagnosis improving over time but they didn't have the associated bowel issues. We had some tough conversations but really didn't feel like the doctors had given us the full picture.
The midwife tried to arrange some more people to talk to. A pediatric cardiac nurse and a down syndrome specialist nurse. While writing this today we spoke with the cardiac nurse and very quickly she said it was clear that we needed to talk to a consultant as what we wanted to know was more involved than she could give us. She answered some questions around feeding (possible need for a gastric tube long term), time in hospital, medication and the important one- could the picture improve between now and birth with the heart. No. The nature of the AVSD, the common valve and the hole is just not going to improve.
The midwife phoned to say she would arrange for one of the consultants to ring who has experience in multiple areas. As soon as I put the phone down to her he rang. He was frank and clear about everything. I finally felt like someone was tying up all the loose ends and putting the jigsaw puzzle together (if you can excuse this rather mixed metaphor!). He explained the likely plan. He agreed the cardiac problem was unlikely to show any improvement and also that with Downs syndrome in the mix other issues might manifest themselves over the third trimester. He explained the plan would be to treat the duodenal atresia surgically first, which would mean likely 2 weeks in hospital, maybe longer if there are complications. The baby would then need to be at 2-3kg in order to be strong enough for heart surgery. If there are other heart complications then it might be the heart surgery comes first. This is then further complicated by if the duodenal atresia causes polyhydramnios and therefore there is a pre-term birth. Add to that a 60 times higher chance of stillbirth. He didn't suggest it was impossible but the picture he painted was clear.
I am not afraid of cognitive deficits or even so much that my child would likely never leave home. I have an autistic brother who I love and fully expect to have some hand in his care long term. I don't however want to bring a child into this world to be drugged up and operated on and that to be the sum total of his existence. I don't want to tell my children they are getting a baby brother but he is probably going to be very poorly or worse have to tell them he died before he was even born. I don't want to miss out on the next year of their achievements and their life so wrapped up in getting to the next surgery or living in the hospital. I have immense respect for the people who have taken on that challenge and if this were our first baby and I were 10 years younger I would probably face the challenge head on and take the risk of that heartbreak because it would be all on me.
Now every morning I am waking, hoping that he doesn't move because every kick brings tears. I want the decision taken out of my hands because its already so painful to bear. I have no idea how to tell my family, some of whom didn't even know I was pregnant. Likely we will lie and say it was a miscarriage just to make it easier for them to hear.
I hope this story will help someone else down the line. It's helped me to document it even if no one reads it.
Edit: Just to say thank-you to those who have read and commented. I appreciate your kind words and shared experiences. It is a lonely road as no one else can make this decision for us. We spoke with the Midwife about half an hour ago and asked her to start the process for TFMR.
Edit 2: Thank-you again to everyone who has commented. I appreciate the words of support. I have tried to take time to reply to everyone regardless of their perspective because I really do value people sharing their stories and because someone in the future might also find value in them.
I wanted to add on here (in case someone sees this post in the future but doesn't want to read all the comments) that I have had the subreddit tfmr_support recommended to me. Already just scrolling through I can see it will be a supportive and helpful place just as Babybumps has always been.
Also anyone in a similar situation in the UK there is an independent charity ARC (Antenatal results and choices) which has information for all choices people may make. They push no agenda and they support people no matter what route they ultimately take. I got lots of information there and will likely make use of some of their contacts and counselling.
Edit 3: As there are still some people coming across this post I just wanted to add baby Oliver was born sleeping at 8.03am, 14th December 2020. It was an intense but short labour. It seems that my placenta was already failing (they described its condition as gritty) suggesting that he may not have been with us for much longer anyway. He looked so tiny and frail but we were able to say goodbye. Everyone took such excellent care of us and there are more opportunities for support coming. We haven't decided whether to go down a burial, cremation or memorial route yet but thankfully there is no rush for us to decide yet.
submitted by sarah_saj to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

PANDEMIC UPDATE - 26 January 2021

UPDATE – 26 January 2021
COVID has been in Canada for one year now.
The strange case of the CEO in disguise to get vaccine for himself.
COVID-19 tax tips.
COVID-19 and the world of work – the International Labor Organization.
A breakdown of cases among healthcare workers.

If you’re having trouble regulating life while working from home, the fake commute might be for you, have a look:
“For the many who have been doing your part, you may be asking, what more can I do? Be the voice of support and encouragement for those who may be wavering in their resolve.” – Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Feel free to share this post, or copy and paste, in whole or any part of it.

· 82 cases among New West residents in the previous week.
· No new school exposures in New Westminster since that of the Queensborough Middle School on January 11th.
· Current outbreaks: Royal City Manor, declared Jan 21; Royal Columbian Hospital, declared Jan 20.
· The Rio Theatre in Vancouver has converted into a sports bar.
· The theatre is dealing with a full closure of movie theatres. But as restaurants and bars can remain open with safety protocols, the theatre is seeking other ways to do business. The move does show that the Rio cannot do business as a theatre right now, but can meet the safety requirements to operate as a sports bar.
· There are differences though. The theatre has to actually meet the requirements for a bar, such as taking orders from people’s seats rather than allowing a line-up at the concession.
· The move has stirred controversy, with some decrying the Rio as finding a loophole while the basic lay-out is still that of a theatre, with narrow entryways and tiny washrooms. Others welcome the move as innovative, a way for a theatre to survive during the closure.
Sources: CBC, Global News, Fraser Health

· The strange case of the CEO in disguise.
· Vancouver couple Rod and Ekaterina Baker were fined $575 after sneaking into the Yukon to try to get the vaccine for themselves.
· The couple posed as local motel workers.
· The clinic at Beaver Creek normally has one nurse and a receptionist, but a team of six was flown in to do vaccinations. Beaver Creek was chosen because “of its remoteness, elderly and population, and limited access to health care,” said Chief Angela Demit of the White River First Nation in Beaver Creek.
· The story of the wealthy executive trying to get vaccine intended for remote elderly First Nations people has not gone over well.
· Rod Baker is the Chief Executive Officer of Great Canadian Gaming, since 2011, where he earns $900,000 per year as salary, but last year also made $45.9 million from company stock options.. The company announced his resignation yesterday. The gambling company cited it’s “core values.” Ekaterina Baker is an actor, but not apparently a good enough one to fool Yukon officials. The couple chartered a flight to the Yukon.
· “We had not been imagining that someone would go to this length to mislead or deceive.” John Streicker, Yukon’s Minister of Community Services.
· The manager of the 1202 Motor Inn, where the couple claimed to work, was also rather upset. “That’s a risk (serving travellers) that we take – not a risk that somebody enforces upon us because they are too ignorant.” Staff at the Beaver Creek clinic found the couple suspicious, and phoned the motel to check on their story. While at the clinic and pretending to live and work in town, the couple rather oddly asked if anyone could drive them to the airport afterwards.
· Story from the Globe and Mail:
· Ekaterina Baker is known for acting in productions such as Chick Fight, Fatman, The Asset, and The Comeback Trail, and as producer of Big Gold Brick.
· IMDB page:
· BC has adopted a four phase vaccination plan.
· Phase 1, December to February: Residents, staff, essential visitors with long-term care and assisted living; people waiting for long-term care; people in remote Indigenous communities and hospital workers caring for patients with COVID-19.
· Phase 2, February to March: Seniors over 80; Indigenous seniors over 65, Indigenous elders; more health-care workers; vulnerable populations and nursing-home staff.
· Phase 3, April to June: Members of the general public aged 60 to 79.
· Phase 4, July to September: Members of the general public aged 18 to 59.
· Premier John Horgan says the plan is based on those who get most sick, and those most likely to die, so priority goes to the elderly and vulnerable, and those who work around them.
· The Premier said multiple groups argued that they were front-line workers and so should get priority. But with vaccine supply limited, it didn’t seem to make sense to vaccinate people on the basis of their job, like being a front-line worker, ahead people ahead of seniors or those more likely to be hospitalized or to die. Health care workers are not only the most likely to be exposed, but they also work with and have direct contact with patients and the vulnerable.
· Here is a good article with the numbers and the rationale behind the priorities:
· The dates might vary, depending on supply.
· Covid cases in BC have plateaued to an average of 500 per day.
· Dr. Bonnie Henry said that the number is still dangerously high. “For the last few weeks, we have plateaued at 500 new cases. This is too many. We are at a precipice. The virus continues to circulate in our communities. We are at the threshold of where we were in late October and November when cases started to rise.”
· “Over the next two week, I believe we can bend our curve. Not just plateau, but bend it back down…. More than you’ve done before, stay home, stop social interactions.”
· B.C. will receive no new doses of vaccine over the next two weeks. It is not sure how much will be received in February.
· Over the past three days – Saturday, Sunday, Monday:
· 1,344 new cases. 618 of those in Fraser Health. 527 reported on Saturday, 472 on Sunday, 346 on Monday. 64,828 cases to date.
· 26 new deaths. 1,154 total.
· 4,392 active cases.
· 57,831 recovered.
· 11 outbreaks in long-term care declared over.
· 6 cases of the UK variant in BC, 3 cases of the South Africa variant. No community transmission of the UK variant, but the South Africa variant cases are not connected to travel and are being investigated. Dr. Henry: “I’m very concerned. I’m concerned that if those variants start to spread, it’s just going to make our job that much more difficult.”
· 119,850 doses of vaccine administered to date.
· New numbers for Tuesday:
· 14 new deaths. 1,168 total.
· 407 new cases. 65,234 total. (Comparison: a high of 911 cases happened for Nov 27).
· 313 hospitalized, 71 in intensive care. (A high of 381 were hospitalized on January 6th).
· 4,260 active cases.
· 6,450 in self-isolation.
· 58,352 recovered.
· 122,359 doses of vaccine administered to date. 4,105 are second doses.
· No new outbreaks, one outbreak declared over.
· Dr. Bonnie Henry: “For the many who have been doing your part, you may be asking, what more can I do? Be the voice of support and encouragement for those who may be wavering in their resolve.”
· New restriction may be necessary if the number begins to climb again.
· 4,850 cases among health care workers, from January 2020 to 15 January 2021. About 8% of cases.
· From January to December 17th 2020, care aides had the highest number of cases among healthcare workers at 1,193 or 24.6%. Nurses were second at 833 or 17.2%. Below are the ten highest number of cases by healthcare worker category.
· 1,193 – care aids.
· 833 – nurse.
· 304 – licensed practical nurse.
· 280 – administration.
· 177 – housekeeping.
· 156 – dental professional.
· 151 – physician.
· 149 – kitchen staff, dietary aid, food services.
· 91 – occupational therapist, physiotherapist, respiratory therapist.
· 75 – student.
· The document is here:
· BC has has opened 3 clinics for people with longer term Covid symptoms.
· Located at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver General, and the Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre in Surrey.
· Some people still have symptoms months after the start of the disease. Of patients who were hospitalized in BC, after three months half still had breathing issues. About 20% have permanent lung scarring.
· The St. Paul’s clinic already has 160 patients.
· Nanaimo Regional Hospital has had an outbreak.
· Two staff and a patient tested positive.
· Limited to the 4th Floor on the east wing.
· A homeless shelter in Surrey has had an outbreak.
· 2 staff and 24 clients test positive.
· The Surrey Emergency Response Centre was set up to make more shelter available to homeless people during the pandemic.
Sources: CBC, New Westminster Record, Globe and Mail, BC Centre for Disease Control.

· Worked from home during Covid-19? Be sure to check out these tax tips:
· Covid has been in Canada for one year now, starting back on the 25th of January, 2020, with one case in Toronto.
· Long-terms care homes are particularly hard hit, and it continues to be so that care homes are getting outbreaks.
· From the CBC, “What we’re seeing in the long-term care facilities just demonstrates, unfortunately, years and years of neglect.”
· In those early days, the public was generally told in Canada that the risk was low, and that people should not wear masks, and emphasized into March that there was no community spread.
· In late February, community transmission was evidenced in the U.S., and people returning to Canada from the U.S. began to show Covid. The halt to non-essential travel, on the land border, came on March 20.
· Canada is considering more travel restrictions, says the Canadian government.
· 143 flights have arrived in Canada in past two weeks with confirmed Covid cases. Deputy Prime Minister Freeland has assured, “We are considering the issue very, very seriously.”
· In this story, you can see where Canadians are flying during the pandemic. There sure seems to be a lot of urgent need to travel to places that happen to be warm vacation spots:
· There is an 8 p.m. curfew in Montreal, and that is hard on the city’s homeless people.
· Homeless people have seen a dramatic reduction in help since the pandemic began. Shelters have to have social distancing, if they are safe to open at all.
· The province has refused to exempt homeless people from the curfew. People who break the curfew are subject to fines that start at $1,000 and can go up to $6,000. Premier Legault says making an exception for homeless people could cause people to pretend to be homeless.
· Some shelters have been forced to close altogether, because they can’t meet the requirements.
· Story:
· 90 “adverse events following immunization,” 0.015% of the 601,901 doses administered as of January 9th 2021.
· 63 were non-serious, 0.010%. This includes things like a skin rash.
· 27 were serious, 0.004%. In Canada, this includes a wide range of symptoms from headache to nausea to anaphylaxis.
· Learn about the Canada Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) here:
· Here is where the numbers are updated every Friday (but not consistently):
· Manitoba is now requiring a 14 day quarantine for non-essential travel from other parts of Canada.
· The move is being made to attempt to prevent new variants of Covid-19 from entering the province.
· Applies to air and land travel.
· Includes Manitobans who are returning to the province from elsewhere.
Sources: CBC, Toronto Star, Public Health Canada

· The world is experiencing Covid-somnia – an epidemic of insomnia.
· Insomnia is now at one-quarter of the population in the UK, and at 40% in Italy and Greece.
· There is concern that this is affecting people’s health in other ways.
· Work productivity is also affected.
· A University of Ottawa study of health care workers in 55 countries and 190,000 people showed that depression, anxiety, and PTSD have all risen at least 15% since the start of the pandemic. Insomnia has risen by over 23%.
· People are advised to seek help, which many are not as people avoid medical services, or those services are unavailable. Seeking help is important, because sleep issues over time can become and ongoing sleep disorder. “Tele-health” now makes treatment more available despite the pandemic.
· Working and using screens in bed is a big part of it. The recommendation is to use your bed only as a place of sleep.
· Full article:
· Vaccine delays are happening around the world.
· Canada is receiving zero doses this week.
· Health workers who were scheduled for vaccination were mostly notified by email of their cancellations.
· In Canada, 50% of doses will be delayed for up to four weeks, up to 400,000 doses delayed.
· Restoration of supply will happen in the European union before it happens in Canada. Pfizer explained this as differing contract deals but did not reveal details. Europe has also threatened to sue Pfizer for breach of contracts, and threatened to abandon Pfizer altogether as a supplier, perhaps in doing so catching the company’s attention.
· Pfizer and AstraZeneca say they will catch up to their commitments in the Spring. Pfizer says their delay is due to changing production systems, so a short-term shut down for a greater number of people vaccinated more rapidly overall. Pfizers says that they are upgrading to be able to produce 2 billion doses per year, from the current 1.3 billion. AstraZeneca has not given details.
· UPDATED: The Pfizer production facility in question is in Belgium. The European Union has threatened to ban exports of the vaccine if commitments to Europe are not met. The company is attempting to distribute the problem in the world somewhat equitably. If Europe followed through on the threat, that could mean delays for other countries would be longer, including Canada, which is served by the Belgium facility.
· The UK, having had Brexit and pulled out of the European Union, has realized that they, too, would be one of those outside countries. The UK, somewhat ironically, is now arguing against nationalism as government policy, referring to what they called “the dead end of vaccine nationalism.”
· The World Health Organization’s Covax program, to distribute vaccine around the world fairly to low-income countries, has not been affected, some good news in the mix. The Covax problem is still on schedule, as its vaccine supply is produced in India and South Korea. The program has also received a substantial boost, following US President Joe Biden’s decision to contribute $4 billion to the program.
· The CDC in the US says that allergic reactions to the vaccine are extremely rare.
· Out of 4 million given the Moderna vaccine, 10 had severe allergic reactions.
· Moderna – 2.5 per million doses have severe allergic reactions.
· Pfizer – 11.1 per million.
· Normal flu vaccine – 1.3 per million.
· Allergic reactions begin quickly, at a median of 7 and a half minutes, so people are able to be supported through it. The majority were known to have severe allergies in advance. In the US, all vaccination sites must have people trained in responding to anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction.
· Story:
· A doctor in Texas has been arrested for stealing vaccine.
· The doctor stole 9 doses to give to his friends and family, authorities allege.
· A man lived in the Chicago O’Hare airport for three months because he was afraid to fly. Story:
· Los Angeles has lifted its air quality limitations for cremations. An emergency order was issued so that crematoriums can catch up with the number of bodies. One person every eight minutes was dying from Covid every 8 minutes. The rate of death in LA county is double the norm from past years. 13,800 deaths in the city, 7,400 currently hospitalized, and 23% of those in intensive care.
· Over 200 incidents with plane passengers over the wearing of masks have been reported in the U.S.
· The behaviour has included refusal to wear masks once onboard, shouting abusively at flight attendants, and even physical assault.
· On Thursday, President Biden issued an executive order requiring the wearing of masks across transportation, a move welcomed by flight unions.
· The FAA, Federal Air Administration, has introduced fines up to $35,000 and potential jailing for abusing aircraft personnel, a move made in December after two flight attendants were assaulted.
· One person has been fined $15,000 after hitting the flight attendant, and grabbing her phone away from her while she was notifying the captain of the problem. Another passenger was fined $7,500, who when asked to wear a mask approached other passengers without a mask and sexually harassed a flight attendant.
· Some airlines are banning passengers from their flights who refuse to follow the rules. United Airlines has banned 615 people from flying on the airline since June, Delta Airlines has banned 700.
· There is a lot of news about variants of the virus.
· New variants have appeared in Britain, South Africa, and Brazil, all countries that have had high rates of Covid.
· So, what about vaccines? Scientists have actually expected that vaccines would still work against the variants. Moderna says that antibodies triggered by their vaccine works on new variants in lab test results. More study will be needed of people who actually have been vaccinated and who had the variant. The study so far was a small sample of eight people. Early results with the Pfizer vaccine also show that it works against variants.
· Moderna is also studying to see if there is a benefit of giving a third booster shot.
· Reports vary almost daily about if the variants are more deadly or not. The truth is that data is too limited and it is too early to really tell.
· Covid job losses have been four times worse than in the financial crisis in 2009.
· That’s according to a report by the International Labor Organization.
· The report estimates that 8.8% of the world’s work hours were eliminated. The ILO looks not only at those who have become unemployed, but those who have had reduced hours of work as well. That loss is equivalent to 255 million full-time jobs, or $3.7 trillion dollars of income.
· Press release:
· Study: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition.
· What’s the latest with the Tokyo Olympics?
· The government of Japan wants to go ahead with the Olympics that were delayed last summer.
· The Olympics are planned to start on July 23, and the Paralympics on August 24.
· The International Olympic Committee is currently planning on proceeding, but has not made a final decision. Efforts are underway to have Olympics that are Covid safe. That might mean no audiences, athletes restricted to their accommodation areas, and each sport would have to have protocols around training and competition areas.
· “We need the vaccine to come to Africa.” A note about Grandmothers in Zimbabwe. I encourage you to read this one:
Sources: BBC, Toronto Star, International Labor Organization, CNN, Los Angeles Times.

STATS (as of end of Monday)
· 144 new deaths. 19,238 total.
· 5,628 new cases. 753,011 total.
· 1,222 fewer active. 62,446 total.
· 849 in critical care.
· 6,706 new recovered. 671,327 total.
· 1,887 new deaths. 431,392 total.
· 152,244 new cases. 25,861,597 total.
· 9,812,845 active.
· 26,259 in critical care.
· 207,426 new recovered. 15,617,360 total.
· 2,149,496 deaths.
· 100,286,772 cases.
· 72,315,474 recovered.

Pandemic updates provided on a voluntary basis as a community service, on Tuesdays and Fridays unless circumstances do not allow (currently dealing with an injury that limits my typing).
To provide accurate and timely information, locally, provincially, nationally and internationally, all in one place.
Feel free to share.
With love and hope,
Jaimie McEvoy, City Councillor, New Westminster, B.C.
submitted by JaimieMcEvoy to NewWest [link] [comments]

2020 Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday Sales and Releases Masterpost




We're back again for 2020! Thank you to everyone who contributed last year, it was a lot of fun! Posting this a little earlier this year so people can plan ahead.

Filtered spreadsheet options:

Other roundups + useful links:

Text List

Last updated: 11/28 12:00pm PST
Brands added today: Rumination Jewelry
Brands updated today: Lotus Noir Perfumery
Adept Cosmetics Now - Nov. 30 at 10PM MST.
25% off almost everything (excluding Plain Jane palette, ACD & ACI shades, depotting tools) with code BF25
Aewen Jewellery 11/27-12/25, possibly starts earlier
Until Christmas (25th December) everything has a 25% discount. The discount is added once you add things to the basket.
Alkemia (Etsy shop) 11/30 1pm EST
Winter Collection release 11/30 1pm EST. Holiday three pack gift bags for $25 containing 3 "gourmandy" scents. All December orders over $50 receive free GWP Winter Solstice Alchemy 2020, all December orders over $35 receive free GWP Yuletide Blessing if you let them know you are a member of a forum (such as IMAM!) in the notes at checkout.
AlterEgo/Wisconsin Soap unknown dates
Save 50% off entire purchase including indie nail polish starter set with code BF-AE-2020
Amearth Jewelry 11/22 - 12/2
15% off of all orders, free gift on €20+ orders
Andromeda’s Curse 11/27 - 11/30
30% off
Apocalyptic Beauty 11/25-11/27 (at least)
25% off most products (seasonal grab bags are excluded), discount is automatically applied at checkout.
Arcana Wildcraft 11/27 - 12/1 (free US ship until) 12/5
New Winter collection out now, plus rerelease of past scents. FREE SHIPPING: Shipping is FREE for all domestic orders now through December 5. As always, international orders of $40 or more will ship for only $8.
FREE LAYERING NOTE: Now through December 1, you can get a free Layering Note when you spend $60 or more. (And the Layering Notes have been restocked!) No code is needed, but you will need to place your free LN(s) in your cart.
Astrid Perfume 11/27-11/30
Wintertime collection now available. GWP: Purchases of $25 will receive a 1.8ml vial of the Black Friday Cyber Monday blend of the customer’s choice. Purchases of $50 will receive a 1.8ml vial of the BFCM blend of the customer’s choice and one vial of my choice. For every $75 spent, the customer will receive one full bottle of the BFCM blend of choice. Details of GWP on sheet.
Au Naturale Now - 11/30
25% off all orders with code BFCM25, 30% off orders $100+ with code BFCM30, 40% off orders $150 with code BFCM40
Aurora Beauty Sunday 11/15 at 1 pm pst/ 4pm est.
Shop restock with a charity polish launching. Affiliate codes available from brand reps for 15% discount.
Beautometry 11/21-11/30
30% off excluding AEngland new releases, pre-orders, prior purchases and no combined shipping. Use code BFCM20
Black Baccara 11/27 at 8pm EST - 11/30 at 11:00pm EST
Save 20% off everything on the website, including jewelry, with code SNOW20 excluding purchases of gift cards. GWP tiers @$100 and $200, see sheet for details.
Black Hearted Tart Now through 12/01/2020
Black Friday all month long, 15% off entire site with coupon code BLKheartedFRI. Can't be combined with any other offer. UPDATE: Buy three 10 mls and get one free! (Includes any combo of perfume oil rollers, layering notes, and EDPs)
Black Moon Cosmetics 11/23-11/30 at 11:59PM PST
Up to 40% off all single items, up to 25% off bundles and gift sets, no code necessary
Botanica/Vitale 11/26-11/29
All 5mLs and 10mLs will be 10% off, excluding custom orders and sample sets
15% off with code Spiralsgiving
Bygone Apothecary 11/27/2020 8am PST - 11/30/2020 9pm PST
Grand Opening Black Friday 11/27 @8 am PST. Sales TBA, please comment and tag u/theyellingcat with updates!
Cattail Apothecary Now - midnight EST 11/30
15% off all orders over $25 with code SHOPSMALL15, 25% off all orders over $100 with code SHOPSMALL25
Orders that are still over $100 after discounts will also receive free domestic shipping (and $10 flat rate to Canada.) AND, every single order placed will receive a free sample of one of our loose leaf tea blends. New product releases, details on sheet.
Cellar Door Bath Supply Co 11/25/20-11/30/20
Save 15% on orders of $25+ with code GRAVY15, Save 20% on orders of $75+ with code: CRANBERRIES20, Save 25% on orders of $125+ with code: TOFURKY25, Save 30% on orders of $200+ with code: CASSEROLE30
Chris Rusak Perfume unknown timeframe
40% off Discovery Sets; discounts on 30 and 50ml bottles. Free US shipping @$29
Cirque Colors 11/23-11/30 11:59PM EST
20% off site wide, excluding holiday sets with code HOLIDAY2020
CocoaPink 11/27/20 12-2pm EST
15% off everything except sample vials (limit 3 sets per person)
Color 4 Nails Now - 2nd December 2020 (no timezone listed)
25% off almost everything excluding KBShimmer (15%) and final sale with code BLFR2020
Color Spectrum 11/27 @ 12pm (possibly am/midnight?)EST - 11:59pm EST 11/30
25% OFF shop wide (excluding new releases), 3 for $10 Mystery Bags, FREE US SHIPPING with all orders over $35 (after discounts). FREE MINI polish with every order, no minimum, FREE EXCLUSIVE BLACK FRIDAY FREEBIE POLISH with every order over $45, while supplies last
Concrete Minerals 11/25-? unknown end date
40% off sitewide, including already discounted sets.No code necessary, applies at checkout.
Cupcake Polish 11/25 to 11/30 at 11:59pm CST
30% off sitewide with code THANKFUL2020
Dark Tales 11/27 only, unknown times
Black Friday is almost here! 20% off on everything just for one day
Dawn Eyes Cosmetics Now - ?, no end date given
30% off
Death and Floral 11/26-11/27
20% off and Exclusive GWP for orders $20 and up. UPDATE: GWP is Capitalist Figs: Black figs, blackened honey wine, and swirling black sugar on a bed of black patch
Deconstructing Eden 11/27(?) unknown dates, assuming Black Friday.
$25 - 10% off, $50 - 15% off, $75 - 20% + samples of The Nice List & The Naughty List, $100+ - 25% off + 5ml bottles of The Nice List and The Naughty List. BF exclusive scents + Winter Releases. More details on sheet and here
Deep Midnight Perfumes 11/26 12pm CST - 11/30 at 11:59 pm
20% off all products, goody bags included with $65 purchase while supplies last (60 available).
Devinah Cosmetics 26th 12pm PST/3pm EST, unknown end time
35% off with code Blackfriday20
Different Dimension 12am 11/20 EST - 11:59pm 12/1 EST
35% off entire store with code BF2020; GWP for first 100 orders; $6 mystery doorbusters; sporadic flash sales
Dreaming Tree Soapworks 11/27 9pm EST - 11/30 9pm EST
Winter release, restock and the biggest sale of the year: use code 'evergreen' for 20% off your entire order
Druidcraft Jewelry Now - 12/1
15% off everything with code SUPPORTSMALL
EcoSlay 11/27 12 am-11:59 pm, EST
40% off 12 am - 1:59am, 30% off 2 am - 11:59 pm
Emily de Molly (Australian site) USA/Int'l: 11/27 at 6pm EST; Australia: 11/28 at 10am AEDT
20% off orders over $30; $25% off orders over $100. Discounted shipping rates.
Emme Cosmetics midnight 11/26 - midnight 11/30
All the website will be 20% OFF.
Enchanted Polish 11/2712AM PST - 11/3011:59PM PST
10% off store-wide, no minimums & free US shipping with code HOLIDAY10
Fairypants Now - 11/30
20% off everything with code UGH2020
Fan Chromatic Nails 11/276pm PST - 11/30 11:59pm PST.
Free shipping on all orders over $20, with different daily deals. Friday: For every $10 you spend, receive $5 worth of free mystery items. Saturday: For every $20 you spend, receive $5 of store credit to use on a future order! Sunday: GWP @ $50 and $100. Monday: For every $25 you spend, get 1 month free in our exclusive Nail Polish of the Month Club! More details on spreadhsheet
Fantome Perfume 11/26 midnight PST - 11/30 midnight
Free gifts with purchase, must add to cart and then use code to get it for free. Does not stack with any other promos, including Nov. promo. GWP @$40, $65, $115, $160, $200, all details on sheet!
UPDATE: EDP + rollerball gift sets available through 11/30
Fancy Gloss 11/27 8 PM EST - 11/30 11:59 PM EST
25% off all polishes with code FANCYBF25, free mystery thermal with first 15 orders of $50+ (before shipping)
Fennec Design
20% off sitewide (discount applied at checkout)
Fictional Boutique Now - 11/30
Up to 40% off everything, free 60 ml candle on orders over $35
Floating Intentions Now - 12/2
10% off any order with code BLACKFRIDAY. Automatic 25% off at checkout on $50+ order
Forelsket Now - ? (assume Black Friday)
35% of 2+ items with code EARLY
Grandmother's Buttons 11:45pm 11/26 - 11:45pm 11/30
25% off everything online with code HAPPYDAY, 30% off for $250 and above orders with code BUTTONLOVE30
Hand Scrubs by Faith 12 am 11/27/20- 11:59 pm 11/30/20
30% off the entire site with code save30
Haus of Gloi 11/27 9am PST - 11/30 midnight, new release at 9am 11/30
Yule collection release, plus "secret surprises" will be in the shop this Monday 11/30 at 9am Pacific. 20% off all EDPs all weekend
Heather's Hues 11/27, 9 am - 11:59 pm EST
Use code BF2020 for 20% off storewide. 20 random orders receive a free gift valued up to $20. First 20 orders over $20 receive free Black Friday exclusive polish ($20 must be order total before tax/shipping). Other restocks/releases on sheet
High Garden Tea 11/27 only
20% off all black teas and black tea blends with code BLACKTEAFRIDAY)
ILNP "all weekend" = 11/27-11/29?
25% off site-wide, double rewards points with code BF2020
Kaleidos Now- 11/30
25% off site wide, orders over $70 get a hair bow, orders over $180 get a face towel, small suitcase, and original version of Mars Melter. 40% off lips, 40% off Cyber Bronze palette.
Kalos Jewelry Co. 11/27
30% off all necklaces AND a pair of free 14k gold-filled earrings on all orders over $50 with code BLACKFRIDAY
KatsEyeCharms Now - 12/1
20% off all items in the shop
Kheimistrii 11/27 only
35% off from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST, 25% off from 12:01 PM to 4:00 PM CST, 15% off from 4:01 PM to 8:00 PM, 5% off from 8:01 PM to 11:59 PM CST. No coupon code required
Kitten Cosmetics now - 11/30
Up to 60% off select items! 20% off all other items with code BLACKFRIDAY
Kyse Perfume 11/26-12/10
(probably) 25% off with code GRATEFUL25
Lantern & Wren Midnight CT 11/27 - 11:59pm CT 11/30
15% off everything, $5 & $8 stamping plates
Last Looks Grooming 11/27-11/30
30% off everything, plus multiple tiers of free gifts
L'Atelier Artisanal Firenze Now- 11/30, special code for 11/27
20% off all items with code autunno20, 30% off on orders over €50 on Friday 27th Only with code Black30
LBCC Historical Apothecary 11/27-11/30
Friday November 27th is 25% off of everything with a $25 purchase minimum, Saturday November 28th is 20% and Monday November 30th is 20% off
Leesha's Lacquer November 25th thru December 2nd
25% off + free shipping, no code needed. 3 limited edition charity polishs with 50% sales donated, see sheet for details.
Lethal Cosmetics 11/27 9am CET - 11/30 midnight
Up to 40% off various products, new release of large Prismatic palette, new gel liners, new eyeshadow shades
Life's Entropy Now - 11/30 11:59 PM PST
30% off sitewide, no code needed
Little Foxys Trinkets Now - 12/1
20% off over $50 orders
Little Seed Farm 11/27-11/30
30% off Friday 12 am thru 1 pm CST, 20% off 1 pm CST Friday - Sunday. Free shipping over $25.
Lively Ghosts 11/27 - 12/1 at 11:59pm PST
25% OFF of your ENTIRE ORDER with code BLACKFRIDAY
Lollies by Leah 11/27
New Winter collection of 36 flavors releasing 11/27 (they appear to be available now, the full collection set will be available in limited numbers Nov 27- Dec 1 (or until it sells out)
Long Winter Farm 11/27-11/30 midnight EST
Free 2020 Bingo lip balm with purchase of $35+ (before shipping)
Lotus Noir Perfumery Now - 11/26
30% off with code LOVELOVE30 through 11/26. UPDATE: looks like the code has a minimum purchase of around $25, unsure of exact amount. New release out now: Kinfolk collection.
40% off $60 purchase with code WEKIN40. Free shipping over $90 (before discount, so $54 after discount). Adding new products/restocking throughout sale. Givaway: 1 winner per day from those who sign up for the newsletter during the sale. More details on sheet and here
LVNEA (Canadian site) Now - Nov 21st 11:59 EST
20% off all LVNEA products with coupon code ‘firbalsam’ at checkout. Excludes boutique items by other brands or makers. Free 2 oz pouch of Rose & Bois coconut milk bath soak with any purchase over $100.
LynB Designs Nov 25th- Dec 1st
Half off most everything with the code THANKS. New 6 piece Victorian Christmas collection just 30 dollars with the THANKS code. Various GWP and mystery bags, see sheet for details.
Mad City Soap 11/27-11-28
15-20% off
Magpiper Jewelry Now - 11/30
10% off all items over $50
Makeup Scientist 11/23 12am EST - 11/27
Various items on sale, details on sheet.
Midnight Lab Now - midnight 11/29
25% off for Black Friday/Thanksgiving with codeTHX20
Moon Tea Shoppe 11/26-12/25 (Christmas)
30% off everything with code HOLIDAY30
MoonCraft Co Now - 11/27
15-50% off everything, no code needed
Nana+Livy 11/27-11/30
25% off sitewide with code BLACK25
Night Owl Lacquer 11/27 10AM MST - 11/30 Midnight MST
Discounts up to 25% off: code 202015OFF - 15% off any amount, 202020OFF - 20% off orders of $20+, 202025OFF - 25% off orders of $40+. Orders of $60+(after discounts & before shipping) get free domestic or discounted international shipping. Doorbuster, restock, new releases, details on sheet
Northanger Soapworks 11/27 9am CST - 11/30
20% off, no code needed
Notoriously Morbid 12 AM EST 11/27 - 8 AM EST 12/1
25% with code NMBF25, excludes Haunted AF palette + coupon set. All orders placed during sale receive GWP. No coupon stacking except rewards, various daily specials to be announced. Please see full BF exclusives/release details on the spreadsheet, hover over the cell to view!
Nui Cobalt 11/26-11/30, new release @11/27 at 11:11 am Pacific
10% off any order with code BlackFriday10, 15% off orders $75+ with code Black Friday15, 20% off orders of $125+ with code BlackFriday20, 25% off any order $200+ with code BlackFriday25
Yuletide collection release 11/27, details of scents to be announced in newsletter
Oden's Eye November 27th at 0:00 European Time to November 29th at 24:00
40% off all products, free shipping over €50, some countries and regions excepted
Om Organics 11/25 - Unknown end date
25% off sitewide, No code needed. Free shipping over $75
Pahlish 11/27 12:01 AM (CST?) to 11:59 PM 11/30.
New Studio Ghibli collection + various other items on sale. GWP @ $50 and $100, details on sheet. Free US shipping at $50, Canada at $80, all other international at $120.
Poesie Perfume 11/26 midnight EST - 11/29 midnight EST
Free GWP at each tier of $25 spent, details on the sheet. Gifts do not stack.
Possets Now - midnight 11/29 (Sunday night)
Buy 2 bottles, get 1 free. Write the name of the freebie you want in the comments at checkout.
PULP Fragrance 11:11pm (Eastern) on Sunday, Nov 29th & ends at 11:59pm Friday, Dec 4th.
Individual Samples (not in a set): 10% off, Customizable Sample Sets: 25% off, 4ml rollers: 25% off, 10ml rollers: 30% off. New Holiday mini-release trio. Free US/Canada shipping @$50 (instead of normal $100)
Pylies 11/23-12/3
20% off now through Dec. 3
Red Panda Lacquer (Etsy Shop) 11/22-12/2
Holiday polish trio, holiday wax melts, and Feudal Fairytale Scroll 2 released 11/27. Holiday releases limited, Feudal Fairytale permanent. 20% off purchase with $35+ purchase.
Redwood Alchemy Nov 27 (12a PST) - Nov 30 (11:59p PST)
25% Off shop-wide Black Friday through Cyber Monday (PST). FREE Shipping on US orders. International Shipping now available for Perfume Oils.
Rituel de Fille 11/27 at 12am PT - 11/30 at 11:59 pm PT
Code for REBIRTH20 FOR20% all full-sized products, 3 exclusive GWP (Lilium Enchanted Lip Sheer at $50, Halo Rare Light Crème Luminizer at $100, and Monoceros Celestial Sphere Eye Soot at $150)
Rococo Chocolates 11/27, 11/30
10% off on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, excluding offers
Rogue Lacquer 11/26 8PM MST - 11/30
$6 door buster polish, 10-30% off throughout site with no code needed, free nail buffer with any order while supplies last, free polish with $50 order while supplies last, 10% off new releases through 11/27 12 PM EST.
Rosmarino Candles Now - 11/30 midnight
$15 off $100 with code 2020BABY
Rumination Jewelry 11/28-12/2
25% off sitewide, $5 flat rate US shipping.
Sappho New Paradigm Now - 11/30
Up to 60% off makeup combos. 40% off mini sets of makeup brushes. 20% off site wide on top. Orders over $150 receive free full-size Medium Shimmer. No code necessary
Sarawen Now - midnight 11/22
Early Cyber Monday: 15% off with code CYBER15. Closed 11/23-12/3.
Serpent & Flame 11/27-11/30
Code HOLIDAY10 for 10% off all orders; Code HOLIDAY15 for 15% off orders over $75; Code HOLIDAY20 for 20% off orders over $150. Discount applies to regular priced merchandise only. Free random fandom jewelry bag with every purchase over $30 while supplies last. (Value $20-40)
Sihaya and Company 11/27-11/30
15% off with code BLACKFRIDAY2020 from Black Friday through Cyber Monday. Additional products will also be available starting on BF, see sheet for details.
Siren Song Elixirs Now through 11/30
Various gift sets / deals for Black Friday at 15-20% off
Sixteen92 11/27 - 11/29 CST
All orders save 10% with code MISTLETOE, Spend $60 and save 20% with code YULETIDE, Spend $125 and save 30% with code SNOWFALL
Orders $50 & up (after discounts & before shipping) receive a FREE exclusive Black Friday 6ml fragrance Turtle Doves.
NEW COLLECTION RELEASES: Holiday 2020 Collection, Black Friday Exclusive Trio, Holiday Layering Sets, Holiday Bath/Body
More details on spreadsheet
Skogen Jewellery Now - 12/3
10% off everything
Smell Bent 11/23-11/28
40% off full size sprays all week, no code required
Soap Distillery 11/27 through 11/30
25% off 11/27 through 11/30 with code CYBERSALE25
Spirit & Venom Olfactory Arts 11/27 10pm EST - 11/30 10pm EST
Winter Collection Release begins 11/27 10pm EST and runs until November 30th at 10pm EST. 10% off all orders with code GIFT10, 20% of orders $50+ with code GIFT20, 30% off orders $100+ with code GIFT30, excludes Krampus gift set + gift cards.
Squeaky Peach Soap 11/26 12:00 am - 11/28 11:59pm EST
Buy 2 get 1 free on the entire shop (excludes gift certificates)
Stacey Victoria Illustrations Now - 12/13
30% off selected items
Strange Fire & Fumery Now through 11/21
All house blend perfumes are automatically 20% off at checkout.
Stratia 11/16-11/23
20% off
Stereoplasm 11/27 12pm EST- 11/28 12pm EST
Freebies (all calculated in CAD, and all stack) every $25 ($@ $25, $50, $75, etc), all details on sheet. Possibly must be added to cart?
Cabinet of Curiosity (discontinued scents) available during sale: 7.5mls high-concentration only, 30% off of usual unlisted scent prices. List of some on sheet, will try and update if more are released.
Collections being discontinued (though still available as "unlisted scents"): DECLASSIFIED, The Secret of Time and Heaven, Halloween: In the Darkness. These will be leaving the site @ 12pm EST on Saturday 11/28
Sucreabeille November 20-30
Week long sale for black Friday Nov 20-30. Will update when there's more info - please comment and tag u/theyellingcat with updates!
Sugar Spider 11/27-11/30
20% off, discount is automatic so you can layer it (much like our scrubs) with discount codes from your Candy Coins balance or your Candy Cluster sub. Double Candy Coins on Cyber Monday.
Sundays 11/23-11/29
20% off everything with code FeelGoodFriday
Super Tarts 11/18 only
20% off pre-order wax with code WAXWED and 10% in stock with code SAVE10. Must purchase RTS and Pre-Orders in separate orders.
Swamp Gloss Polish 11/27 8PM CST - 12/1
20% Off (almost) site wide, $3 mystery protos, $5 overpours, $6 mystery bags, 5 new fragrances in hair oil, milk bath, mango body butter, sugar scrub, new collection (excluded from 20% off sale) and more.
Sweet and Sour Lacquer 11/27 @ 12am CST to 11/30 @ 11:59pm CST
All 15ml base and topcoats are $0.05 with code GOBBLEGOBBLEDOO (limit 3 per item, per customer). Mystery grab bags of 3 for $10 (limited quantities; sorted by color group). 50% off discontinued and last chance items (no code needed). Free shipping on orders $50+
Sydney Grace Co 11/27-11/30 (no time zone yet)
25% off. Free shipping on US orders over $75 and Free shipping on International over $150
Tamed Raven 11/27-11/30
Free gift with purchase (1 currently unreleased holiday sticker on all orders under $25 CAD, pack of 3 unreleased stickers on orders over $25 CAD, free pin of your choice (or random if not chosen) + sticker pack orders over $50 CAD. Before shipping)
TeaHaus 11/27-11/30
Mystery Grab Bags ($60 value) for $35. Orders from 11/27-11/30 will receive a 10% off coupon for January 2021
Terra Moons Cosmetics 11/25 11am EST - 11/30 11:59PM EST.
BOGO on all regular shadows, highlighters, and loose pigments (buy any single qualifying product and get the second product of equal of lesser value for free) with code discounted from BOGOTM50. Various discounts on other products, see sheet for details.
The Little Book Eater 11/16/20-12/5/20
10% off
The Nestling Doll Shop 11/27-11/30
20% off on Sugar Whips, Candles, Bar Soaps and Wax Melts
The Painted Peacock Now - 11/30
15% off with code CHOCOLATES15
The Pretty Cult 11/27-11/30
30% off and a free gift over $75 orders with code BLACKMAGIC
The Strange South 11/26-11/30
Starting Thursday, use coupon code BLFR2020 and save 20% on all orders.Winter collection just arrived based on The Dark Side of the Rainbow and Company of Wolves
The Wandering Squirrel 11/26-11/30
15% Off Everything But Bundles & Give Back Bars
Tomo and Edie 11/21, unknown end date
All accessories 20% OFF without coupon code. $35 or more dollars (US only) will still receive free shipping. Part of Etsy's Cyber Sale.
Top Shelf Lacquer Now thru 11/30/2020 11:59 PM EST
40% everything but gift cards with code ShopEarly
Tracy's Powder Room 11/27-11/30
50% off everything
Traveling Vardo Now - ??
25% off Sitewide with code EarlyBirdBF
Turtle Tootsie Polishes Thursday, Nov. 26th at 7pm EDT - (no end data listed)
30% off the entire store with code TURTLE and a free polish with all orders over $25! Also launching 5 new Hatchlings
Twinkled T
25% off site-wide with code BLACKFRIDAY2020
Untitled_Co 11/27 12 AM - 11/30 midnight (no timezones given)
20% off all orders. This Friday (11/27), keep an eye on instagram for our last sample sale of the year! Free shipping with code YOULUCKYDOG, or local pickup with code LOCALPHILLY
Upcycled Thrift 11/23-12/31
15% off everything in the shop through the new year, free shipping over $25
UrbanWitchcraftCo 11/26 - unknown end time
Holiday sale is live, take 20% off most listings.
Vibes Bath Bombs 11/27 - 11/30
Daily flash deals (15%-50% off) and tiered discount codes based on total amount spent with codes: 12OFF60, 18OFF80, 20OFF100, 30OFF125, 45OFF150
Vibrant Vinyls 11/27 - 11/30
20% off sitewide with code Turkey20. Free shipping for orders $50+
Vintner's Reserve 11/27 - ??, different sale 11/30 (Monday)
Sales TBA across social media channels. Two new general catalogue collections, two limited seasonal collections, and a limited birthday collection, 12-day Advent Calendar release. More info on sheet.
New options for ordering perfumes, including 5ml bottles and Create Your Own Full-Size Sets at a discount.
UPDATE: Tiered discounts, 15/20/25/30% off, see sheet for details. GWP every $30 spent, unsure if they stack or not.
Wandering Whimsy 11/27
30% off everything, unlimited combined shipping in the US for $9.95 flat rate, no code needed
Werther & Gray 11/27-11/30
Use code BF2020 for 15% off at Etsy shop is also marked down 15%. Both shops are now offering free shipping on orders over $75, no code required.
Wild Veil Perfume (Etsy shop) Now - Dec 1
25% off storewide through December 1. Discount automatically applied at checkout, no coupon code needed. Free US shipping on Etsy @$35, however not all products are available on Etsy
Willow WaxCraft 12:01AM EST 11/27 - 11:59PM EST 11/30/2020
15% off all orders with code MERRY, 25% off orders over $60.00 with code MERRIER. Free domestic shipping on orders over $35.00. Limited number of discounted, pre-made mystery scent shot samplers available (3 per set for $8.00). GWP tiers @ $25, $50, see sheet for details!
Winston & Walter Artisanal Products 11/27 6pm Eastern - 11/29
LAST RESTOCK of 2020! Free Shipping on All Orders over 50$ CAD with code FREESHIP (USA & CANADA only)
Witch And Bat Now - 11/29
25% off everything in Etsy shop, no coupon needed.
Witch Work Room 11/25-11/30
20% off most items with code WITCHY20
Wooden It Be Nice Designs No date given
Free Shipping for Early Birds: free shipping on all U.S. orders over $35.
Wylde Ivy 11/27-11/30
10% off everything, free shipping on orders of $40+, free full size gift of choice with every $100 purchased
Wyther 11/27 6pm EST
Persephone themed capsule earring collection release & new jewel releases Friday @ 6pm est
Your Cosplay Closet November 22-December 2
10% off orders over $50 with code cybersale2020
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INCREDIBLE BEDROOM AND SPACE SAVING FURNITURE FOR SMALL ... 10 SMALL APARTMENT DECORATING TIPS + HACKS // Lone Fox ... 5 Best Layouts For Small Bedrooms (13.5 sqm.)  MF Home TV How to make Bed for your 1/12 scale Dolls house - YouTube 29 Sneaky Tips For Small Space Living - YouTube Marie Kondo How to Fold Fitted Sheets *EASY!* - YouTube 20 Smart Ideas How to Make Small Bedroom Look Bigger BED STYLING  LUXURIOUS BEDDING - YouTube how to sew a fitted sheet  bedding set ep. 3 - YouTube 11 Small Bedroom Ideas to Make Your Room More Spacious

Get set for small double bed bedding at Argos. Same Day delivery 7 days a week £3.95, or fast store collection. UK Single Bedding - 3ft x 6ft 3" (91 x 191cm) UK Long Single - 3ft x 6ft 6" (91 x 200cm) UK Small Double Bedding - 4ft x 6ft 3" (122 x 191cm) UK Double Bedding - 4ft 6" x 6ft 3" (137 x 191cm) UK King Size Bedding - 5ft x 6ft 6" (153 x 200cm) UK Super King Size Bedding - 6ft x 6ft 6" (183 x 200cm) UK Emperor Bedding - 6ft 6" x 6ft 6" (200 x 200cm) Small Double Duvet Sets Duvet covers with matching pillow cases in size 72" x 86", (184 x 220cm). Perfect for any small double bed. UK Manufactured. Made in house at our Lancashire factory. Each duvet cover is cut from the roll and made to order or cut down from a larger size. Small Double Bedding. add the perfect pillows and finish it off with our beautiful bed sheets and duvet cover sets to create your ideal nest. Read More × OK. About Us Finance options are available on basket order total of £300 and over Credit is available subject to status to UK residents aged 18 or over. 4ft Bedding. For those spaces where a full size double bed won't fit, a small 4ft double is the next best thing. We stock a range of comfortable 4ft bedding, including fitted sheets for small double beds. With a range of colours to choose from, these 4ft bed sheets will fit perfectly, meaning you or your guests can get a relaxing night's rest. This bed size is known by many different names, Small Double, 4ft, 3/4 bed, Queens Size, 4 foot, three quarter bed, University Bed, but we always like to refer to it as a Small Double 4ft bed. All of the small double products below are designed to fit a 4ft x 6ft 3" (122cm x 191cm) small double bed, we even have a small double duvet and 4ft bolster pillow. Introduce style and luxury with impressive bedding collection. From chic curtains to throws and cushions, shop now. Small Double (5) Square (28) Square Pair (8) Super King (754) Toddler (90) View More Bed Sets Plain Bedding Patterned Bedding 2 Pack Bed Sets 100% Cotton Childrens Bedding Small double beds can be termed 4ft or three quarter beds and usually measure 4ft x 6ft 3" or 4ft x 6ft 6". Other lengths are available and can even be 7ft or longer. As the name suggests it is slightly smaller than a UK double bed (4ft 6" x 6ft 3"). So finding bedding that fits can be a problem. Small Double Bed Bedding. Made in the UK RUIKASI 4PCS Duvet Covers Sets Double Bed with Extra Fitted Sheet, Non-Iron Wrinkle Fade Stain Resistant and Hypoallergenic Bedding Set (Blue, 4PC Double) 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,312 £35.31 £ 35 . 31 Shop Duvet Covers & Bedding Sets online at Matalan & discover a wide range of colours, prints, sizes and fabrics. (Double) £22.00 View (3 ) Kids Pixar Duvet Cover (Single) £15.00 View (6 ) Kids Dream Big Duvet Cover (Single) £10.00

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For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected] Warehouse Simple guide on how to make a bed for your dolls house #1. Try to Keep Things White Don’t Be Afraid to Go Dark Use the Storage Space under Your Bed #2. Create Shelve Over Your Door for More Spaces Take Advantage of Spaces under You ... It doesn’t matter how small your bedroom is. If you are ready to put in some time and heart into making your small bedroom look bigger, you will. ☆ Shop Lone Fox (Home Decor, DIY Supplies + More!): Follow Lone Fox on Instagram: @lonefoxhome- Shop my Amazon Favorites: https://www.a... Welcome ! Today we will learn how to sew a quick and easy fitted sheet. This is a step by step tutorial for everyone to enjoy ! Also, At 1:54 I completly for... Hi loves! I'm filming on my new Camera so I hope you can tell the difference in quality. Im still learning how to use it so bare with me :) Also, I couldn't ... Sometimes we have the right furniture but because of the limitation of our space, we have difficulty in how to fit and arrange them in the room that it looks... How to easily fold bed linens in the KonMari Method style. Watch this demonstration for simple folding of linens including: Flat sheet, Fitted sheet and pill...

small double bedding sets uk

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